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Ten thousand years from now we will be the subject being analyzed.
This is one possibility of what our near future will be and what the distant future will uncover.
If certain parties of the lesser populated areas of earth manage to avoid an earth destructive war, or avoid causing other environmental deteriorations there is another all encompassing grab for territorial glut occurring. Without war and merely by birth expansion and migratory motion the Asian world will eventually become the dominant species among humans on the surface of this earth. Already the Asian population is (ABOUT) 1/3 + of the global population and it is growing. This number does not include Asians living outside the three basic Asian territories. In the future society withing the civilized dominion will be very different than we see now or can possibly predict. There is always the chance that the different versions of Asians will war among themselves and that would offer another attitude to the possibilities. But in finally it will be Asians that dominate earth.

DonaldHRoberts 7 Sep 14
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I always wondered how many Asians lived outside of Asia.



davknight Level 8 Sep 14, 2019

Asians are NOT a species! Homo Sapiens are a species. Take your racist bullshit elsewhere!

MojoDave Level 9 Sep 14, 2019

Sorry, @DonaldHRoberts -for you to assume that one culture, the "asians" in this case - will dominate the planet in the future is racist.

As I've pointed out (below) and if you think about it....there's a growing number of Asian-anglo and Afro-asian and Afro-anglo intermarriages. In a few generations - perhaps 100 years or less - it's very likely there will be no "asians" nor anyone of any unusual sub-specific identifiable features (dark skin/light skin/lipid-protected eyelids, etc) we'll all be interbred.

Now - will A communist/socialist leadership take over? Will a forceful government try to bridle in their people?

That's possible...Fidel Castro, when asked why he favored communism, explained in simple words; "the People are not disciplined".

If we continue to grow (158 more births than deaths, per minute, world-wide) then we'll either get our numbers controlled by wars, diseases, or the discipline of a strict 1-child-per-family communist manifesto. The choice is ours....soon we won't have a choice.


@DonaldHRoberts Have you read H.G. Wells last novel? He predicted, over 100 years ago...that scientists would experiment with developing new species.

It was Marlon Brando's last film...

Here's the trailer.

@DonaldHRoberts Here's the story about the book, written in 1896;



We are all combining and re-combining our DNA.

In a few generations there won't be an "Asian" sub-species


Because all the dark skinned and fair skinned and oriental and western folk will have interbred.

Robecology Level 9 Sep 14, 2019
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