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Rather startling implications, genetically - did other hominids die out due to inbreeding? []

Allamanda 8 Dec 23
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Two things stand out in the evolution of humanity;

!. Our need to keep "growing"...keeping a positive image to big families, etc.
2. The innate drive to be hoard, to get more than we need.

Greed is a "perfect addiction"...unlike drugs...if your greed is rewarding everything is better...and your family welcomes your "habit"...but it is an addiction....if your stocks or business risk fails....many get suicidal.

And growth...did you know that humanity increases by 158 more births, than deaths, per minute?

Today 384,701 people will be born and 156,936 people will die, resulting in a net gain of 227,765 humans (give or take a few thousand). This year 140 million babies will be born and 57 million people will die.


If we don't get our "family planning" act together...than diseases, starvation, or extreme conflict competition will end our existence...

....not earths....just us. Earth will breathe a sigh or relief and reset the evolutionary clock.

Robecology Level 9 Dec 24, 2019

Inbreeding, I guess that explains tRump supporters and some in the deep south.

JackPedigo Level 9 Dec 24, 2019

Always felt that inter breeding was responsible we were more numerous and mixed together

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 23, 2019

I remember once asking an anthro professor if our predecessors cross-bred, to produce the hominid types that would eventually replace them? He just flashed me one of those 'Eureka moment' smiles of his, and said "that is the $64,000 question!". So far, there is genetic evidence of Neanderthal-Modern Homo cross-breeding. But the whole subject needs to be studied in greater detail.

davknight Level 8 Dec 23, 2019

Interesting implications for hominid social interactions and their impact on their survival and extinction.

t1nick Level 8 Dec 23, 2019

On a side note, I've never encountered RT News before. So I took the opportunity to do some background research. No judgement, just background.

State-owned RIA Novosti news agency, which founded RT in 2005, is one of the largest in Russia. Its chairperson is Svetlana Mironyuk, who has modernised the agency since her appointment in 2003. RIA Novosti has stated it helped establish RT, but is "neither a sponsor nor a backer of Russia Today." Mikhail Seslavinsky, in charge of the Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation asserted in 2005 that "Russia Today will come as an independent company". Under Russian law RT is an independent organisation.

A Pew Research survey of the most popular news videos on YouTube in 2011–12, found RT to be the top source with 8.5 percent of posts. However of these, 68 percent consisted of first-person video accounts of dramatic worldwide events, likely acquired by the network rather than created by it. In 2013, RT became the first television news channel to reach 1 billion views on YouTube.[14] In 2014 its main (English) channel was reported have 1.4 million subscribers.

In 2015 The Daily Beast reported that RT hugely exaggerated its global viewership and that its most-watched segments were on apolitical subjects. Between 2013 and 2015, more than 80% of RT's viewership was for videos of accidents, crime, disasters, and natural phenomena, such as the 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor event, with less than 1% of viewership for political videos. In late 2015, all of the 20 most watched videos on its main channel, totaling 300 million views were described as "disaster/novelty". Of the top 100, only small number could be categorized as political with only one covering Ukraine. The most popular video of Russian president Putin shows him singing "Blueberry Hill" at a 2010 St. Petersburg charity event. In 2017, The Washington Post analysed RT's popularity and concluded that "it’s not very good at its job" as "Moscow’s propaganda arm" due to its relative unpopularity. RT has disputed both The Daily Beast 's and The Washington Post 's assessments and has said that their analyses used outdated viewership data.

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t1nick Level 8 Dec 23, 2019
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