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A BBC human interest bit on the Terra Cotta warriors. I am especially impressed by how they are holding back on excavating the tomb itself. That's become a lot more common in modern archeology, the Indiana Jones crowd irrepairably damaged some great sites in the 19th and early 20th centuries. []

Druvius 8 May 26
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I was lucky enough years ago to see several of the terracotta warriors at the museum in the center of Santa Barbara. They were positioned so that it was possible to walk within a few feet and see them almost face to face, in a way that is impossible in the Xian tombs. They're impressive.

Holding back on further archaeological exploration is a very well-considered step. But you don't have to look to movies to see the damage done by earlier archaeologists - in his haste to uncover the city of legend, Heinrich Schliemann tore holes through several layers of the site of ancient Troy, destroying important evidence as he did so. And, in Egypt, Victorian scientists were not above laying dynamite charges against the side of the Great Pyramid, to blast an entrance to its interior.

moNOtheist Level 7 May 27, 2018

Alas. A lot of us really identify with Indiana Jones.

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