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I am fascinated by how far back in our human history archetypal stories go.
Was recently reminded of the significance of the wren in mythology, specifically Hunting the Wren in Celtic traditions.
Also, a common myth in Europe about the Eagle and the Wren, in which there is a competition amongst birds to see who can fly highest. The wren hides under the eagle's wing and when the eagle has reached its highest, the wren pops out and flies a little further, winning the competition. But he is punished for cheating, and thereafter only flies low amongst the bushes.
In Googling though I found this, an almost identical Australian dreamtime story. How long since Australian indigenous people separated from European indigenous people? 60,000 years?

Faithless1 7 June 1
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I've always liked the classical archetypes, learning about the ancient gods of Egypt, Greece, and Rome in those terms really helped me during a time in my life when I did not have a lot of perspective about my own self and other around me. A good book on the subject that I've kept in my library a lot of years is "Awakening the Heroes Within" by Carol S. Pearson. It's an old title but it was really easy to read and illuminating.

Georgy303 Level 6 June 7, 2018

Makes me think of Aesop's Fables. Thank you for sharing!

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