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Good morning bay area. I have lived here since October 31st 1979. I love the bay area and consider it one of the richest areas in the world in terms of cultural diversity. I helped raise two amazing daughters here. My brother and sister in law are active atheist members in the Sacramento area and he says there are here as well. I would like to find some of those and share my love of jesus with them!!!! ??JUST KIDDING!!!! Anyway I will keep an eye open and an ear to the ground for news of the next chat session.

Ciravolostone 6 June 21
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Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

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