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This hour has 22 minutes give Tucker a boot to the head.

SnowyOwl 8 Feb 24
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One lady from 22 minutes was fired for her protest against vaccine mandates on the show. She joins us in the Protest in Halifax wail I podcast it from Nova Scotia Canada, soon to be released.

The Canadian truckers have already won, Trudeau emergency act was concealed from him trying to make it permanent. And the frozen bank account has backfired because the Canadian bank run who puppet Trudeau along with WEF really didn't like that. Trudeau Castro is more of a joke. Who knows with Trudeau family tree as a disfuncional family of loving tyrants.

Where most of Canadian population is cancelled the mandate vaccines and the rest of the sheep will follow. Much of Europe is cancelled mandates. Canada has been leading alot of freedom movements like gay sex and same sex marriage, heart surgery, Marrijanna legalization, Mix marriages, Transgender laws and now trucker freedom convoys that has caught on around the world.

I've always held the position that foreign nationals who stir up trouble in Canada and attempt to cause insurrections and destroy the rule of law should be deported, immediately. The Ontario government has revoked the licenses of 39 truckers, so they can get a job at Tim Horton's now.


if seems Government communist leaders can do anything they want. Except when they put millions of Canadian of all diversity, pushing backs against the wall. The Canadian truckers have plenty help and a few refugees place they can go with their bagdes of honor to rebuild again. Junk food and poli- tricks is not the answer.

@Castlepaloma The USA is calling out to you, why not move south of the border and get away from all of those Canadian Commies if you are so unhappy? BTW, did you take any of that Commie money they were handing out during the pandemic or were you true to your values?


Hell, US has got deeper issues and problems than Canada so this is the better pick my battle choice.
I've sacrifice my life for my daughter to stay here vs. moving to Columbia S. America. The worldwide corruption and banking colaspe are much better and 93% of war machines are North of the equator. Knew all this was coming from 10 years ago.. I'm always safe with self reliance business of food, freedom and tiny houses.

@Castlepaloma Interesting that you would go so far out of your way to support a bunch of American funded white supremacists then because that's who was at the root of the Ottawa Occupation. It wasn't about the pandemic at all, it was about a far right, white elitist agenda to try and overthrow our government. That's not how a democracy works and if this offends you then you should check out Colombia, which I already have done and can tell you it is yourself that you did a favour for by staying in Canada and not going to that corruption riddled country.


When the country is almost broke because of the plandemic. The Media was given a billion by the liberals to parrot anything scripted agenda the Government wanted. There were plenty of East Indian trucker and protest and all races there protesting. The nazi flag and Confederate flags was planted without any crowd near by. Trudeau used throughout his properganda. The greatest amount of big lies I've ever experienced in the history of my life. Colombia is listed as the top ten happiest countries, in the world . Big change from the 70s and 1980s. Take life, first hand rather than the whitewash of tryanny.

@Castlepaloma Sounds like you think you have it all figured out but you may want to check your sources on happiest countries in the world. Canada came in at 14th and Colombia came in at 51st place. Maybe it has something to do with the numbered streets in Cali from 1 to 6 that indicate how dangerous the neighbourhood is, the cops won't even respond in neighbourhoods with a 5 or 6 rating. You should try walking the streets of Cali at night, very interesting and I fondly recall being awoken at 3 am to a gunfight in the alley behind the nice hotel I was staying at. Yes you have it all figured out.


Despite the difficulties of the pandemic and an uneven economic recovery, the survey said Colombia was in first place, where 79% of the inhabitants surveyed revealed that they feel "happy" or "very happy." What does a pollster say?

From a few other surveys, Columbia was in the top ten happiness countries in there. Certainly Happier than Canadian looking at the ground so often. From being to 102 countries, from my experience Latino countries are happier than north European countries. Then weather and beaches and all the singing , dancing , sexy romantic girls. Everything else is Bull Shit.


@Castlepaloma Your link is from 2017, things seemed to have changed a lot in the last 5 years.
Colombia is now #51 according to the latest survey. Ecuador is much nicer than Colombia but that's just my personal opinion from having actually lived there and not just visited on vacation. What country are you from? Not Canadian that's for sure.


Born, raise in London Ontario , mostly lived and worked in Toronto,, Belize, Vancouver, LA CA. and now Nova Scotia is just right except for the mandate vaccines..

@Castlepaloma Too bad, it might have explained a lot.


Love it!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Feb 24, 2022

How curious that Tucker Carlson is totally on board with the Nazi trucker protest AND totally at home endorsing Belarus and Putin. As Vindman said, he's the new Tokyo Rose.

racocn8 Level 9 Feb 24, 2022

I hated this video….

…..because it was only 3:00 long! I wanted more, much more!

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Posted by 1patriotWhen he says our Senate is diverse and representative of Canada, he omitted this reality.

Posted by 1patriothow liberals get rich!

Posted by 1patriotso he killing the old stock europeans off in canada. I just never thought that was what he ment in this statement. My family has been here for 125 years. my wife family has been 395 years

Posted by 1patriot great job CBC you covered all the bases. Bonuses for 1200 more of you coming soon

Posted by 1patriot[] another brain dead fucker, he just like screwing Margret Turdeau Rolling Stones’ Mick Jagger Mercilessly Booed By Crowd After Praising Justin Trudeau (VIDEO)

Posted by 1patriotCanadians can say the same about the great turd

Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.

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