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MOSCOW – The Canadian government has relocated its NAFTA trade negotiations to Russia, a diplomatic maneuver that will eliminate US President Donald Trump as a middleman.

Five Canadian members of the trade mission to save NAFTA diverted their plane from Washington, DC to Moscow after Trump’s press conference in Finland.

“Rather than negotiate with an erratic and contradictory proxy like Mr. Trump, we’d much prefer to have the ear of someone who has a real pull with the US Administration,” said Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs. “We can end this trade war if we start complimenting the Russian leader on his manliness and ignore how many journalists or opposition leaders he’s killed.”

Freeland added “there was too much on the line to waste our time on an angry marionette show.”


Lukian 8 July 18
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I doubt the veracity of this. I'll check it out with Snopes or Politifact.

Tommy19 Level 7 July 19, 2018

it's satire (The Beaverton is a satire publication)


Hilarious. I love it.


This is a farce.

Betty Level 8 July 18, 2018

it is... it's satire

@Lukian my daughter showed me a news article a few years back and was upset over the “news”. I noted that the article was from The Beaverton and explained what satire news was. ?


Almost like the Royal Canadian Air Farce. I always look forward to their New Years Eve special. 🙂


Love it. Real fake news. Lol

genuine, the real McCoy... lol


Why can't we all just get along? oh right because some of us are a bunch of conniving, lying cunts, that's why.

Surfpirate Level 9 July 18, 2018
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