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Going to feel like 38 Celsius tomorrow and then it’s going to feel like 5 Celsius tomorrow. Welcome to fall in Canada. Well just north of Toronto anyway.

Science-guy 8 Sep 20
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Turned the furnace on 2 weeks ago. The daytime temperature reach 10C for the first time in 2 weeks and every night but the last it rained and that rain turns to snow. The funny thing though is that it has only frozen twice and neither was a killing frost. Went from drought to greasy mud but the good thing, I guess, is that the fire ban has been lifted.


We've had the furnace running in the morning and the AC in the afternoon of the same day. 30C swings over 24 hours are not unusual.

Arouet Level 7 Sep 21, 2018

Does it usually get really hot during summer around Toronto?

We get quite a few days at 30 c or slightly higher. Humidity is high with it feeling like 35 - 40. It is cooler closer to Lake Ontario as the water is cooler

@Science-guy Where would I have to go to get highs in the 20sC and lows in the 10sC?

@Captain747ex Costco. ?

@Science-guy I like it. Lol


Heavy showers in Windsor this morning it cleared out an weather advisory for the first day of fall from Windsor right into the GTA high winds.


It was up to 11 C today and tomorrow the high will be 3 C, 1 C for Saturday, and 4 C for Sunday. Lows go down to -3 C. All three days with snow.

graceylou Level 8 Sep 20, 2018

Yay snow! ?

@Science-guy Yuck!!! You can have it!!!

Where is this?

@Captain747ex Edmonton area

@graceylou Ah, I see.

@Captain747ex It is currently snowing quite steadily. So much for the very end of summer.

@graceylou I think the Edmonton area will be my second choice if I ever relocate to Canada. I love the cold weather.

@Captain747ex it’s not too bad out here. Not as crowded as most other big cities, enough variety of everything, close to camping and vacation spots, cold but not as much snow as most other places, housing prices are decent, crime not too bad.

@graceylou Nice, it may have just moved up to the top spot. I'd really like to relocate to Canada within the next few years. Edmonton seems like a better choice than Toronto. My background is in Aviation though, so I'll have to do some more research.

@Captain747ex Well we do have an international airport. And West Jet is an Alberta based airline that is very successful. There are also many smaller airports and airfields. Lots of transport for supplies and people for the oil fields up north. There’s also a big military base.

@graceylou I've heard about West Jet. They seem like they have things well coordinated and under control. Sweet. Would it matter if I was a Leafs fan instead of an Oilers fan?

@Captain747ex Hmmmmm. I can't help you with that one. But may be you will be ok, as long as you're not a Flames fan.

@graceylou No, I'd be a Vancouver fan before a Calgary fan.

@Captain747ex UGH. Canucks are my most hated team!!!! And I'm from there. LOL.

@graceylou You hate your home team?! I'm shocked. Lol.

@Captain747ex My former home, yes. Actually, I hate Vancouver period!!! I hate going back there when I visit family and friends.

@graceylou That bad, huh? What is it about Vancouver that makes you hate it so much?

@Captain747ex The weather is always gloomy, wet, depressing. There’s a lot of crime and poverty. It’s very crowded, traffic is horrible. Housing prices are insane most people can’t afford to buy homes. For the price I paid for my almost 20 acres and 3600 sq ft home here, I would get a shed in Vancouver. The focus on trendiness is a bit sickening. There is a lot of sadness and suffering in Vancouver that just get shoved under the rug so tourists don’t see them and only see the pretty mountains and ocean and trendy shops.

@graceylou Well that's a downer. I wouldn't like it either. The weather wouldn't bother me so much, but the poverty and crime would really get to me. But, wow, 20 acres, that's a lot of land. That's amazing. The night sky must be pretty nice to view.


so is it shorts or parka?

Lukian Level 8 Sep 20, 2018


Parka at 5 C? You’re joking right?

@graceylou Yes! I shovel snow in shorts when it’s sunny out. I BBQ in the snow too. ??

@Science-guy I was gardening once in shorts and tank top when it snowed in June.

@graceylou The mountains are fun

@Science-guy Though I’m not near mountains.

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