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I always laugh when American servicemen brag that they can kick the ass of our Canadian Forces. Like we would have to fight the US when we could just wait until they all freeze to death when winter comes, in October. 😀

Surfpirate 9 Oct 9
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I served in the CAD navy & air force & i can tell you that in nato exercises involving n. atlantic submarine hunting exercises, way back in the early 60s we kicked their butts. then in germany in the early 1980s we kicked their butts in nato tank competitions. but the actual winner 1 yr was the germans who were still using WW2 tanks.
the americans had new tanks with all the latest tech including laser sights. problem was the personnel didn't know how to operate them properly.
they just don't attract as high a calibre of armed forces personnel as we do.
essentially all they've really have done since ww2 is kill 100s of 1000s civilians. especially in recent decades with drones & cruise missiles.

The father of a friend of mine was a submarine commander in the Canadian Navy, the Iroquois if I recall correctly, WWII diesel submarine. During war games with the Yanks he was tasked with taking out the Nimitz aircraft carrier, the sort of thing that admirals ask of commanders. So he made a best guess of where Nimitz and his escort destroyers would be cruising and then he found a large bank of seaweed and buried his submarine in it and waited, for 2 days, total silence - until the Nimitz task force came over the horizon. He let the escorts sail by and then lined up a full spread using battery power, sank the Nimitz and was sunk himself with in minutes (figuratively speaking, dummy torpedoes of course)

@Surfpirate not a sub.

HMCS Iroquois was the lead ship of the Iroquois-class destroyers of the Royal Canadian Navy, also known as the Tribal class or the 280 class.

@callmedubious It was the mid 70's and I can't be sure of the name of the submarine, I only recall hearing the story at the Barnes' kitchen table as a teenager. Still incredible that a well trained crew could take out a nuclear aircraft carrier surrounded by state of the art destroyers with a WWII diesel submarine. I have the utmost respect for our men and women in the armed forces, some of the best trained warriors on the planet, if only they had the proper tools to do the job.

@Surfpirate 'if only they had the proper tools to do the job.'
what job? when i served i took some pride in actively saving lives. was on a navy ship that rescued 6 fishermen from a boat off NFLD. then i worked in search & rescue with the air force.
as far as spending billions on defense to defend ourselves from the russians ot ISIS, it's just a waste of money that could much better spent on social programs.
the only real threat we have from foreigners is the country to the south of us.

@callmedubious I was thinking about the job that the Canadian Armed Forces did so well for the latter half of the last century - Peacekeeping. It was only under Harper that the role started to change to a more American style of military. I agree that the Department of National Defense should be just that and that the only threat of attack at the moment is from the south but that has been the case since long before Plan Red came to light.
I live less than 10 klicks from CFB Kingston and less than an hour from Fort Drum so I am well aware of the main military threat to Canada.


Whats this October nonsense? Clearly you live in Canada's banana belt; here winter arrived the first week in September.

There was a collective moan down here by the US border when we saw the weather report for Cowtown. 😟

@Surfpirate Cowtown is in Alberta's Banana Belt.


That's just silly.

Skis go faster than snowshoes. You'll hit more igloos with skis. More igloos = more syrup & bits bahd!

Umbral Level 8 Oct 10, 2018

I know an army ranger her that says our guys are legit. No polar bears required

maxhyde Level 7 Oct 9, 2018

Our people are some of the best trained military in the world, if they ever get decent weapons then look the hell out.


Don't forget we all use the roof on our homes to ski jump, & sleds with dogs to get around.

I remember when the kids would come around Trick or Treating when we lived on Vancouver Island, they all had clear plastic garbage bags over their costumes because the rain would ruin them otherwise. By the end of the night the costumes were a soggy mess but the kids were happy.

@Surfpirate Same thing in New Westminster where I was a kid.

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