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This applies to pretty much anywhere in Canada right now but my cousin in Muskoka shared it with me. The local council prides themselves on maintaining the lowest tax rate in the county because they are so frugal when it comes to road repairs. I just spent over $1,200 on repairs to the front end of my vehicle and new tires to replace the broken belts in my old tires, this is all because of the potholes on our island. I drive the speed limit and dodge as best I can but there are areas where I am creeping along at 20 kph and it is posted as an 80 kph zone. It would be much cheaper if I paid $200 more per year on my taxes than to have to pay for vehicle repairs and deal with roads that are unsafe.

Surfpirate 9 Mar 5
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It is so true. I was on the 401 in Toronto last weekend and traffic suddenly slowed right down to a crawl. A huge layer of pavement was missing from the centre lane. Nice.


Toronto is another pot hole field you have to be careful there.

Simmer51 Level 6 Mar 5, 2019

Not to worry, Ford will be Making Toronto Great Again, real soon. 😀 We were just in Toronto for a trade show at the CNE and I decided to take a trip through my old neighbourhood on the way to the 401 East, big mistake.

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Posted by bookofmoronsFeel free to share

Posted by bookofmoronsThat explains it

Posted by godfree2Carney vs PP resumes

Posted by 1patriotUPDATED: CALL TO ACTION - On March 2, 2024, Paul Fischer, a witness to Human Trafficking charges was unlawfully and criminally assaulted in his home and tasered 4 times by RCMP CST.

Posted by bookofmoronsAnyone else see a potential Trump/Putin type connection here?

Posted by bookofmoronsAnyone else see a potential Trump/Putin type connection here?

Posted by bookofmoronsJust remember - we are all sworn to secrecy but maybe we should send some to Mexico

Posted by 1patriotWhen he says our Senate is diverse and representative of Canada, he omitted this reality.

Posted by 1patriothow liberals get rich!

Posted by 1patriotso he killing the old stock europeans off in canada. I just never thought that was what he ment in this statement. My family has been here for 125 years. my wife family has been 395 years

Posted by 1patriot great job CBC you covered all the bases. Bonuses for 1200 more of you coming soon

Posted by 1patriot[] another brain dead fucker, he just like screwing Margret Turdeau Rolling Stones’ Mick Jagger Mercilessly Booed By Crowd After Praising Justin Trudeau (VIDEO)

Posted by 1patriotCanadians can say the same about the great turd

Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.

Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.

Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.

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