Middle of the road politics?

Tribe against tribe has always resulted in the death and destruction of nations! The Romans probably were the most successful at assimilation and achieved it by compromise! Come let us reason together!

Tribe against tribe has always resulted in the death and destruction of nations! The Romans probably were the most successful at assimilation and achieved it by compromise! Come let us reason together!

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Middle of the road politics?
Jun 2, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
Not much middle left these days! Everyone seems to be polarized to the left or right! That's gonna tear us to pieces as a people if we don't get some sense and stop the manipulators dividing us! ?
1 comment
Middle of the road politics?
May 13, 2018May 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
I am so tired of the labeling process in our society today. does everyone think that to interact and get along everyone has to be alike. Hell, diversity of thought, race, and even religions are what has built America. Let's all his agree to ...