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New for Earth Day - Planet of the Humans This is quite disturbing.

BDair 8 Apr 22
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The sky is falling. Mayhem is coming. Lol. How many times have we heard it in the last 60 years? According to Al Gore, the world was going to freeze in 2014. Not one prediction - not one has come true. I can list all dire predictions of 60 years.

Man made pollution is real. Bad quality of air to breathe and its effect on the enviornment is real. A concern and united effort are required but this hue and cry, fear mongering will do nothing.

St-Sinner Level 9 Apr 22, 2020

I don't think Moore's documentary is fear mongering as much as it is showing that the Green movement is just another way for the very wealthy to get wealthier at the expense of the planet the climate warriors claim to be saving.

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Posted by BDairA very accomplished woman.

Posted by BDairGreat documentary.

Posted by babyhumanistA couple days ago, I watched "Three Identical Strangers" for a fourth time.

Posted by LetzGetReal [] There is a documentary video available with a contribution.

Posted by Metaqueen70I have seen two documentaries lately the first one was called Monster with Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci.

Posted by BrunosticA little humor. People who watch doc's are not known for it ?

Posted by PalacinkyCurious if any of you just saw this– "No Man’s Land: the takeover of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge by Anti-Government Militias" and what your opinions were: []

Posted by SpinlieselHi there, it's me.

Posted by JustChrisIf you love sushi, or if you love culinary crafts and the pursuit of perfection, you'll love Jiro Dreams of Sushi. [] Anthony Bourdain loves the guy. []

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