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There is a documentary called "Trapped" about how the right has nibbled away the ability for women to be able to get an abortion legally. Some states are down to one or two clinics where a woman can get the procedure and they may have to jump through hoops such as listening to non-scientific warnings and getting an ultrasound, having to go to a clinic twice (which means missing work and driving long distances) and other obstructionist tactics that have been passed as law in some states.

TerriCity 7 May 28
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This is awful were going backwards!! I will look for this
I'm sure it will piss me off.

Doglover6 Level 2 Nov 12, 2018

Have you seen ‘12th and Delaware’?

I haven't seen it.

@TerriCity It’s about an abortion clinic with a crisis pregnancy center across the street. Interesting doc.


Another decision to restrict women's choice today. Alabama passed a law to restrict the abortion pill to providers with "hospital privileges" - even though the pill is at least ten times safer than carrying a pregnancy. There is only one provider left in the state of Alabama and abortions now can only be performed by less safe and more invasive procedures due to no providers who are able to obtain the hospital privileges. The case was brought to the supreme court in hopes they would overturn the law as an undue burden on women seeking to use their right to abortion as has been dp0ne in other cases, , but the court refused to hear the case.

TerriCity Level 7 May 29, 2018

Like Ireland, we all need to vote out these men who restrict women’s rights. Parties matter. Your vote matters. 40% turnout for non presidential elections allow minorities to win. We are many, they are few!

44Edward Level 4 May 28, 2018

so glad I am past that stage of life and sorry for the young women facing this

btroje Level 9 May 28, 2018

Me too. Have always been pro choice. I hate right wing attempts to control women. Reminds me of Islam.

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Posted by BDairA very accomplished woman.

Posted by BDairGreat documentary.

Posted by babyhumanistA couple days ago, I watched "Three Identical Strangers" for a fourth time.

Posted by LetzGetReal [] There is a documentary video available with a contribution.

Posted by Metaqueen70I have seen two documentaries lately the first one was called Monster with Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci.

Posted by BrunosticA little humor. People who watch doc's are not known for it ?

Posted by PalacinkyCurious if any of you just saw this– "No Man’s Land: the takeover of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge by Anti-Government Militias" and what your opinions were: []

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Posted by JustChrisIf you love sushi, or if you love culinary crafts and the pursuit of perfection, you'll love Jiro Dreams of Sushi. [] Anthony Bourdain loves the guy. []

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