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So according to new 92 year old prophet Nelson...from now on Mormons are not allowed to use the term Mormons anymore or even the abbreviation LDS is to be avoided the church is on all occasions to be referred to as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (make sure to use the hyphen because without it that is a false church that does actually exist but is a brake away false church .
Yeah that's going to happen


LenHazell53 9 Aug 16
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My friend pointed out that actually the legal name of the church is "The Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints". Wonder why they didn't tell members to start calling it that?

Your friend is slightly mistaken

"The Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" and
"The Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" (the hyphen is important it is part of the trade mark and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints (no hyphen) is a totally separate and unconnected church)
Are the two legal and business organisations affiliated to but not the property of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
This way the church can accept tax free donations from the two corporations, who administer all church assets and properties and the corporations can claim back such donations against their tax (win win).
The two corporations own between them , railways, shopping malls, international shipping concerns, Bonneville communications, a hunting reserve in Florida staffed by missionaries, newspapers, publishing houses, television stations, radio stations, Billions (literally billions) of dollars in stocks and shares and other concerns too numerous to mention.
Both Corporations are Corporation Soles, an accounting device that means the corporations are the individual property lock stock and barrel of the current prophet of the church, the church owns NOTHING and so is liable for nothing. However upon the death of the prophet, the corporation sole appoints automatically the next longest serving member of the apostles quorum as owner and prophet it being taken as a sign from god that this next old fart has not died, and so is worthy to become president, prophet and managing director.

@LenHazell53 I would say my friend was less detailed. Thanks for the info!


And all this was announced on and 😀


Gee, I wonder if the play "The Book of Mormon" had anything to do with this "revelation of embarrassment"?

Heraclitus Level 8 Aug 17, 2018

Didn’t they say the same thing back in the early 90s?

HeyMandy Level 3 Aug 17, 2018

Yes but it has never been an official proclamation from the first presidency before


I once pointed out to an Irish missionary that Kolob (the star Mormons believe has the home planet of God orbiting it ) is almost exactly Bollocks spelled backward, and he was not best pleased, used some very unsaintly language.
Probably trying to disassociate themselves from some very silly doctrine and the fact that some dictionaries especially those published before 1980 still define Mormon simply as a polygamist


Oh they tried that too when I was young, but there was no way I was going to say all those words when the short one, or the initials were fine! Sheesh....picky picky picky!!!!!!

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