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I still know some very nice or mostly nice Mormons. Nevertheless I see I must seek out other social venues. They help strangers natural disasters, but do not help on civil rights reform claiming seperation of church and state. UU and Scientologists support civil rights organizations and therefore get around that. Even if members have big civil rights injustices the LDS leadership and friends turn their backs on them. After joining I'd been told about bbfs for life by game night friends. Now that one married and one moved, they don't socialize. One now claims I need to be literalist. The other used to help on civil rights but after I rejected a hit man mostly rejects me. If I mention something, it's just "I'm sorry". I guess some are saying it's not her problem. I see it's very lame friendship. Now, I have that to remember as I find more friends.

WarmFluffy 7 Nov 30
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Mormon's claim they do not shun, and as a policy they do not, however they also ask at "Worthiness interviews" if you associate with vexatious or apostate persons, say yes and no recommend.
Yet another example of Mormon double talk.
Everything in the LDS is conditional on obedience and conformity.
So far as civil rights are concerned the SCC is still the most homophobic, sexist and racist church on the face of the earth, the child of a same sex couple cannot be baptised until they turn 18 and completely disavow their parents, their life style and move out of their home.
Former prophet Ezra Taft Benson condemned the whole civil rights movement as a "commie plot" to weaken the USA.
A Mormon who turns up at a crisis event and does not wear the silly yellow apron with the churches name all over it, they risk excommunication, because after all god only sends Tsunamis and earthquakes as opportunities for to do missionary work.

It is sad how members of god's one true church reject friends and even family when they stray from .the path of the brainwashed pervert worshipping conman Joseph Smith.

It's confusing. My local LDS church was multiracial, even the State President who moved up was jet black in a multiracial marriage. I tried to ask about a scripture, and they indicated they weren't sure. I wish some from any group would stop acting like there's a big fuss and we need to take sides or else. Some have been thinking if we check many options most any psychiatrist would consider us insane or if we stop going to their special small group. It's mad jealousy about folks personal freedom. Why and how should we go a lot if some want and can abuse our rights more easily. Taking away children is another one. It's not all members but certainly a problem.

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Posted by LenHazell53One afternoon in The Sacred Grove

Posted by CManSo Very True

Posted by LenHazell53Anyone else know this?

Posted by CManQuestion: Why are the mormon$ allowed to build & operate ca$ino$ in residential neighborhoods? Answer: Because the house always wins!!!

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Posted by snytiger6An apt description.

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Posted by LenHazell53LDS opens new incontinent "men only" old folks rest home in SLC

Posted by LenHazell53Proof that Mormons really are special

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Posted by CManHappy conference weekend

Posted by LenHazell53Saw this on reddit, sums things up quite well I thought

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