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Another recent announcement from the Lurch of splatter spray taints
Apparently from this year on, Missionaries are going to be "Allowed" to call home, Skype and message their own parents once a week, on their own time and at their own expense in the presence of their companions.
In an attempt to combat an epidemic of depression, homesickness, threatened suicide attempts, runaways and early returning missionaries.

This is as opposed to the twice a year previously allowed communication at Christmas and mothers day..

These guys are all heart.

LenHazell53 9 Feb 16
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I'm glad to hear it for the young missionaries' sakes.


Oh wow, how bloody thoughtful of them.


I guess it is hard to convert others when you are depressed, homesick, suicidal, and attempting to escape.

Heraclitus Level 8 Feb 16, 2019

The mormon church is bleeding dry. They moved the age to serve missions from 19 to 18 (for boys). They did this in an attempt to stem the loss of members by trying to indoctrinate them at an earlier age.

These young men used to have a year to move away from home, feel their feet under them, and learn some semblance of independence. Now they leave home as soon as they graduate and have never lived away from home. Top that with no contact with the only support group they've known, the depression and running away was inevitable.

K8TE Level 5 Feb 16, 2019

I had a friend who actually helped two missionaries get home from the UK, by pretending to take the lessons he helped them get replacement passports, gave them air fare and drove them to the airport, then went and informed the mission president they had gone.
He threatened my friend and his wife with kidnapping charges, he being lawyer told the MP he had a much stronger case against him for illegal imprisonment if he tried.
These guys who run the mission centres are a freaking nightmare, mad with power and as they see it god given authority to threaten, bully and verbally abuse guys and girls who are little more than children.

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Posted by LenHazell53Saw this on reddit, sums things up quite well I thought

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