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Hi there! I will soon be divorcing, as I was lead to believe, an ex-mormon of 31 years. Because of the Paradise CA Camp Fire, we moved to her LDS family's marijuana plantation. In a few months, all my funds were stolen, my health was failing (needed healthcare was not allowed), and then I was forcibly removed at gunpoint. You would have thought you would know someone after a lengthy marriage, two kids, and surviving a catastrophic event! Do I blame the mormon faith? Yes, especially when they knew full damn what I was, and still am, a staunch and unapologetic Atheist!

OgreBattle 4 June 16
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Surprised you lasted that long with toxic people like that. All the best to you!

Thank you so much for your view.

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Posted by LenHazell53One afternoon in The Sacred Grove

Posted by CManSo Very True

Posted by LenHazell53Anyone else know this?

Posted by CManQuestion: Why are the mormon$ allowed to build & operate ca$ino$ in residential neighborhoods? Answer: Because the house always wins!!!

Posted by LenHazell53While mourning the deaths at Colorado Springs park to honor five people killed and 17 wounded in a weekend shooting at a gay nightclub.

Posted by snytiger6Just as I thought...

Posted by snytiger6LMAO... Help me Joseph Smith...

Posted by snytiger6The desert quadrillogy.

Posted by snytiger6An apt description.

Posted by snytiger6Missionary positions...

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, I was raised Mormon...

Posted by LenHazell53LDS opens new incontinent "men only" old folks rest home in SLC

Posted by LenHazell53Proof that Mormons really are special

Posted by LenHazell53And Why is President Nelson Scrooge McDuck evicting people at Christmas? To build yet another Temple in Utah that no one wants or needs. These bastards just get worse and worse []

Posted by CManHappy conference weekend

Posted by LenHazell53Saw this on reddit, sums things up quite well I thought

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