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Here is a deep 🤔 thinking question. I used to be a Mormon. Joseph Smith (I propose he was Athiest) gets up one morning and says all churches are wrong (atheist thinking right) then he says Father told me to listen to Jesus or Son and Jesus told me I was his spokesman so now Joseph Smith is voice of God on earth. Atheist thinking since there is no God say your the only way to heaven and everyone will be delusional​, manipulati​ng or wrong and can’t prove you wrong. (Atheist test can they get away with it) Now Joseph has has omniscient​ right of way, owns all your stuff or gets to tell you what to do with it. Mormons own 2% (more than a county)of Florida and a multi billion dollar corporation. My question do you agree Mormons are omnipotent right of way for the cause of Zion by essentially atheist thinking Mormon leaders?

Shoulderwarmer 5 June 20
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I've always thought of things this way; Whether we are talking about Joseph Smith, Jimmy Swaggart,Jim and Tammy Baker, Oral Roberts,Etc.: If they really believed in an all Knowing, All Seeing God, and that belief was confirmed and fortified by the kinds of face to face conversations these people complained to have had with them, the how do you lie, cheat, steal, commit adultery when you say that you KNOW a God is watching you all of the time. When these folks did wrong, they hid those moral crimes from their fellow humans, yet they claimed to believe that their God always had a watchful eye on them. Sorry. I agree that the whole damn bunch of Clergy are Atheists or very close to it. Don't even get me started on the the Priests that have sex with Children and their superiors that cover it up. No, God is just the way that they earn their money. And God always needs more money no matter how much we give him.

smithkf51 Level 4 Jan 18, 2020

If by all that you are proposing that Smith was an unscrupulous bullshit artist, Lothario, pervert and con man, who exploited the gullibility of his family friends and neighbors, then yes he was.
Mormonism was a practical con that got way out of control.
Smiths own theological beliefs are irrelevant you don't ask the pick pocket you find lifting you wallet if he is a Hindu, taoist or atheist, you just break his fingers.


So you are proposing that JS was an atheistic charlatan? Hmm, could be.

Heraclitus Level 8 June 20, 2019

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