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Hi All,

New to this group. I love to cook and bake, hope you don't mind desserts and a variety of dishes. I like a varied menu. I have been a professional for cook off and on for many years and have taught culinary classes as well.

I'm making spaghetti sauce right now and will post later but I love kitchen and cooking tips so that's what I'll start off with. SO happy you don't have a 2 post a day limit. I won't flood group but I do love to talk food. 🙂


Fruits or veggies that brown when cut..., lemon water or "Fruit Fresh" in water can stop the browning of fruits and veggies. 2 Tlbs per quart of cold water, dip for a few seconds and drain. If you leave too long they may start to dissolve. The citric acid stops the browning.

Guac or avocado browning... they can not be dipped but you can (and IMO should) have lemon or lime juice in your guac, this helps BUT what helps most is eliminating contact with air. Then cover, place plastic wrap directly on the guac so no air can touch it, then put lid on your tub. This will keep it fresh for a couple days in the fridge.

Keeping air out of things is key, if you zip bag squeeze out as much air as possible. If it's something that has been rinsed and is still damp place a paper towel in with it or a slice of bread to help absorb the moisture.

I hope to see lots of posts from you all. Excited to be here.

mzbehavin 8 Mar 30
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Enjoy being online again!

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Welcome @mzbehavin !

MojoDave Level 9 Mar 30, 2019

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Posted by mzbehavinItalian Sausage Bolognese Sauce (meat sauce) In a hot skillet saute onions and mushrooms in a little olive oil until they start to color, add sausage (or ground beef or turkey) and chop up with ...

Posted by mzbehavinItalian Sausage Bolognese Sauce (meat sauce) In a hot skillet saute onions and mushrooms in a little olive oil until they start to color, add sausage (or ground beef or turkey) and chop up with ...

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