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So after I got my new 8 string guitar. The first thing I found out is that every setting I used for my 6, really doesn't work.
So, I've been working a lot on trying to dial in sounds, and tone.
The first one, I was just trying to get a real thick heavy sound.
The second I was playing with both clean, and distorted together.
Not sure why there is a goofy delay on the second ones drum intro, I'll fix that later.
They both are rough cuts, both a work in progress kind of thing.

TristanNuvo 8 Dec 17
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So is it two extra lower strings, or one lower and one higher string? I recently got a 5 string bass, and rather than just keeping it in E Standard with a low B, I've tuned it to C Standard with a high G# and sometimes drop the bottom string to a Bb for extra sludge.

I do the same with my 5 string bass as well.
Yes, it is 2 strings lower. Standard tuning is F#,B,E,A,D,G,B,E.
But I down tune the F#, and B, to an E, and A, so it's an octave below the other two E,A. But I've been trying out a few other alt tunings as well.

@TristanNuvo Nice! So are you playing sludge/stoner/doomy type stuff? I'm trying to put something like that together, but currently just recording solo demos on my ipad.

@BassManSpaceMan For some songs yes. But to be honest, I do a lot of different kinds of music, from Spanish guitar, Classical, blues, jazz, rock, metal, etc. Some times just noodling around I'll hit a riff that just hits the creative spot in my brain, and then it goes into something from there, which sounds cool. But what I would really like to do is complete an albums worth in 1 style.

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