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Screenshot from WebMD. With how many do you identify?

Wisterious 7 Oct 28
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Working to music but I am also good at screening out sound. Don't like group work but that could be my arrogance rising to the for and that fact that people just don't do it right (whoops am working on that) Can I read instead of write or talk but much prefer e-mails to phoning.

Budgie Level 8 Nov 10, 2020

That's me, 100%. I'm happy with that. I used to think it was a curse to be this way, but I am what I am, and I'm just fine. 🙂

Julie808 Level 8 Oct 29, 2020


Lorajay Level 9 Oct 29, 2020

All but prefer to write , If I write a letter it takes hours but I'm told their always interesting . Small talk , boring . I hate being complimented or brought to attention of others or in a crowd . Sometimes I sneak away when I spot someone I know to avoid a pointless conversation unless I have a lot in common with them , then I can talk for hours . In a phone conversation with my sister , which I feel more obligated to make , she carries it I pretty much stay silent while she just yammers on . Friendly aquaintences more than friends .

Besalbub Level 8 Oct 28, 2020

Pretty much all. The only exception is that while I do well in quiet, I do prefer to put music on or something in the background. Podcasts, audio books, even the news. As long as its not too loud and isn't overly distracting. Sometimes having a slight distraction is a good thing, helps to break me out of catches.

Music or NPR a must I find it bothers a lot of people .

@Wisterious With ADHD and strabismiss a vision disorder prevent me from being an effective reader . NPR news and ideas especially on week ends Moth radio hour hidden brain among many others .

@Wisterious What bothered me the most was I did very good on aptitude tests up in the high 90s with mechanical and spatial relations so they always thought I was lazy . I was in remedial reading every year except 12 grade when they put me in speed reading which was a joke when the put on the reading machine . My mom took me to reading specialists at Hoffstra college weekly during third grade . I graduated high school with a 9th grd reading level . I went to Methodist college in NC where I was kicked out for admitting to the dean to having smoked pot with another student who was busted that day . Now here's the kicker . 4 yrs later I went back to school , married with child working nights and days that I didn't have class , smoking pot before every class and every test , I was a A-B student deans list and one year Phi Beta Kapa compared to C-D student in high school . It took care of the ADHD It was a community college and something that I was interested in , Marine Tech . I took a writing class where half the grade was class parceptation being a introvert I never uttered a word in class . I would get an assignment , smoking a unfinished joint on the way home I'd have my idea for what I was going to write . I'd turn in the paper get it back rewrite it turn it back in and do the same several times for every assignment . At the end of the course when the professor was interviewing me as to grade me , He said you haven't said a word all semester , but you've worked so hard and then asked if all the papers were all my Ideas Yes they were . and said I have to give you an A .It really boosted my self esteem . ADHD was unknown at the time , 20 yrs later , a friend of mine was describing his sons behavior and I said that's just how I was , and even said it seemed like he did better when he was smoking pot . Bingo . We had just gotten a computer and read about a woman was treating her son's ADHD with pot and was being prosecuted for it . Now I'm not saying people should be giving pot to their ADHD kids but there's something to it that should be studied . After all they give them adderel which is a time release amphetamine . I've been a 24/7 marijuana user sense I was kicked out of college . Mostly working self employed with more work than I wanted and still working at 69 yrs because I enjoy it . At present time I'm not using because I've developed CHP which is canabinoid hypermensis ( sp )where I have pretty bad abdominal pains and have to detox for a month . Before they knew what that was , they took out my gall bladder but that didn't help . All in all I've had a good career and life Tonging clams on Long Island for 13 yrs boat carpentry for the remainder and that's my story , happy , introverted and ADHD .

@Wisterious I would try the CBD if I was you a lot of people swear by it for many ailments .The human nervous system has cannabinoid receptors for a reason . I don't because it would aggravate my CHS and I prefer the THC which relaxes me ,increases my awareness and creativity also helps me sleep when the gears are turning in my head

@Wisterious If you do , take it easy don't take edibles until you know what how you react to it , smoking and vaping you get immediate results , edibles take a hour or so and last much longer . Some people get paranoid or anxious , most others laugh a lot and zone out at the wonders of the world . Best not to do alone first time . You really do like to writ a lot .


All but two. I'm actually both introvert and extrovert.

kensmile4u Level 8 Oct 28, 2020

@Wisterious It depends on the situation and the people involved. Hence the duality...


Oops, caught me. All but on the border of some.

JackPedigo Level 9 Oct 28, 2020

I have gone from being an extrovert to a extrovert/introvert. I don't like working in groups and never have, except for playing music. The rest of the list varies, depending on my mood.

Sticks48 Level 9 Oct 28, 2020

@Wisterious It took awhile to get use to working the correct way in a band and since it was my career l needed to get it right and learn to enjoy that part of it. Other than that l have never been in a group effort, and there have not been many, that l did not dislike very, very much. I can work with one or two people at a time if l really like them. I probably picked that up learning to work in bands.


Of course all the above, just not all at once!!!


Four of them are absolutes for me, while the other four can vary. I don't mind working in a group as long as my contribution is handled independently within the group. Unless it's "by rote" work like postcards for a political campaign.

Lauren Level 8 Oct 28, 2020

If it's too quiet, I don't work well.
Lights, other people, criticisms just bounce off me.
I'm aware, so what?
I take all day to decide to work, but a split second to decide whether I need chocolate.
You're never alone with schizophrenia.
Don't like work, group or otherwise.
Love talking whilst I'm writing.
Feel tired even after getting out of bed, alone.

So, you decide. Introvert or extrovert?

Petter Level 9 Oct 28, 2020

@Wisterious I'm autistic. (Asperger's) I have no innate social awareness. I need to learn rules.

@Wisterious I usually refer to myself as an "asparagus". That's a tasty version of Asperger's!


6/8 apply to me, although I feel that I relate easily with other people.


I am working on my self awareness of which I had none. Now I have some & am not so oblivious to my signals. Difficulty in interpreting social signals originates from being raised in isolation during formative years. Not having been exposed to social gatherings during the early years of imprinting, has required me to learn as if another language. Somewhat as sign language. "One must give up one's individuality in order to belong to society", to paraphrase a piece of movie script. I have found this to be so & I can not do that or I will cease to be me. Those that do must walk in the multitude footprints of others. Religious groups, the Boy Scouts, Masonic adherence, political CULTS, hunting lodges, sports teams. " Be yourself. Everyone else is taken." Oscar Wilde

Mooolah Level 8 Oct 28, 2020

All seven of above. Are you sure this isn't an Asperger's test?

davknight Level 8 Oct 28, 2020

All of the above and more.

NHjulie Level 8 Oct 28, 2020

Same here


Looks about right.

Cast1es Level 9 Oct 28, 2020

Yes it does


Take time to make decisions...

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