15 8

Why does any one need regularly to post or comment in order to get higher levels?? Aren’t we aliving in a world full of extroverts already??πŸ™ƒπŸ˜

guadastudio 4 Dec 19
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"Regularly"??? There's a schedule? I made 9+ and never knew.....

AnneWimsey Level 9 Jan 13, 2021

I think it was a means to track how long people have been on the site, a means to give people who have been here for a time more to do, and a way to hold peoples attention. Personally for the first several levels it was fun to see the level go up quickly, now that I am at level 8 it takes forever to get anywhere. I am not here for the massing of points, I am here to post and involve myself with others.

me too I could care less about the points


So we can send you a Tee Shirt

Mooolah Level 8 Jan 13, 2021

why do you care about the level?

Pedrohbds Level 7 Dec 21, 2020

Okay.So many active participants here.Will try to get out of my comfort zone and try to get the T-shirtπŸ™‚

Since october I think, the free T-shirt is not available anymore


Speaking of points, I reached level 8 several weeks ago. Aren't I supposed to get a t-shirt or something?

@StarvingArtist Thanks. I can't tell you how many ways it's changed my life πŸ™‚

@TheoryNumber3 wow. Nice to hear.


There wouldn't be much of a point to a message board where nobody posts. It think it's to encourage participation so we don't have everyone just lurking.


The way I understand it: it's a reward for participating. I participate a lot, but clearly not as much as some people do.

BitFlipper Level 8 Dec 19, 2020

I'm opposed to the points system anyway.

bingst Level 8 Dec 19, 2020

Cmon Bingst.... go for the T-shirt πŸ™‚

@TheoryNumber3 I'm well beyond that point. I never asked for one.


Well, you could just lurk, or lay there like a dead fish........

AnneWimsey Level 9 Dec 19, 2020



Well how would we know unless you told us???


I'm a very regular poster yet I have been on level 7 for months.

Theresa_N Level 8 Dec 19, 2020

Interaction and activity is good for members, but more importantly good for the survival (and possible future monetization) of the site.


Since you asked , no !

Cast1es Level 9 Dec 19, 2020
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