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I have been on this site about two and a half years now. I used to think I was an introvert. After reading many post by introverts on here I don’t think I am. I am a quiet person, but I like being around and doing things with others. Yes there are people I meet and don’t care to see again, but I don’t want to live in a cave.
This is not criticism of the introverts, just realizing I am not one.

Sierra4 8 July 14
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Yes! Full spectrum of labels around here. Amazingly refreshing 😎


For me it depends on the circumstances, I don't need constant personal contact, but I can be happy either alone or with a few people.

glennlab Level 10 July 14, 2021

You may not be, but I don't think living a completely isolated life is the only determining factor.

I would consider it the extreme of introversion, while the other end of the scale - extroversion - would be someone who avoids being alone at all costs because they need people to center themselves, or to invigorate themselves. There are people all along this spectrum. Perhaps you're closer to the middle, and are an ambivert?

Lauren Level 8 July 14, 2021

Ambivert….🤔! Learn something new every day 😎


I think there are different degrees of this - some prefer more , some less .

Cast1es Level 9 July 14, 2021

Hi there. Your post got me thinking. What is meant by introvert? I enjoy social gatherings but not on a regular basis. I am self-contained and self-content. Does that make me introvert? Ah well, why label myself? Lol

Ryo1 Level 8 July 14, 2021

There's more to being an introvert than just wanting to be alone all the time. I don't necessarily want to live in a cave either. I can socialize just fine, I just need time to recharge afterward. I also like my me time. It's more of a spectrum than a check box. 🤷♀️

Kynlei Level 8 July 14, 2021

Exactly. I think we find too much stimuli exhausting... noisy restaurants, group chat, etc. Need time alone to recharge.

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