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Hey everyone! New to the group and to the site. Forgive me if this is remedial info, but has anyone here heard about the differences between introvert brains and extrovert brains as examined via MRI? It wasn't a large or definitive study, but the crux of it was this: participants were divided into two of about 30 participants per group, 1) self identifying extroverts and 2) self identifying introverts. The MRIs of the extrovert group showed levels of activity in the area of the brain that identifies human faces. When this area of the brain is stimulated, dopamine (if memory serves) is released. Meaning that, for extroverts, encountering new human faces results in a pleasurable mental state on a neurochemical level. Consider an event like Burning Man, which may have a population of 70,000 plus people. For an extrovert that's 70,000 dopamine hits waiting to enter the system. Introvert brains showed activity in the frontal cortex, which is the decision making/judgement making part of the brain. By their nature, introverts were compelled to use their decision making much more frequently, assessing the status of every situation or person they were exposed to. The thinking is that this is stimulation environments and social gatherings are so draining for introverts: they literally must assess and "judge" everything their brains become aware of. To compensate, introverts limit their interactions and levels of stimulation, thus limiting the work their frontal cortexes must put out.

Humanistheathen 7 June 28
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I had not heard of this study but the findings make sense. To me, the type of expected interaction makes a big difference. If I'm in a place in which I can essentially keep to myself while around others with nothing much more expected from anyone than the occasional smile and greeting, then I am fine. It's when the expectations for me would potentially include surprise conversations or getting involved in a group activity, then I get nervous and feel more overwhelming analysis going on that drains me.


I completely agree... That totally makes sense.


Sounds about right.

CeliaAnne Level 6 June 28, 2018

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