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I sometimes wonder how extroverts feel when they're not around people. Is it difficult for them to be alone? Do you imagine they're lonely? It spurred me to do a little research and I found this fascinating article. I guess we all have our "stuff" to deal with. []

TheoryNumber3 8 July 10
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My brother in law is very extroverted, and he cannot stand to be alone. Drives him nuts. My sister is sort of in the middle, enjoys and needs solitude when working. I'm at the other end of the spectrum; complete isolationist! I can only stand other people in small doses!

Pete01938 Level 6 July 15, 2018

My late friend Dave was the ultimate extrovert. One time he came to visit me in Montana and I wanted to take him to my favorite place - Two Medicine, in Glacier National Park. For me, it was paradise, but after a couple days of no cell service and no crowds Dave was going nuts. We later went into West Glacier, and Dave beelined it to a pay phone, because he "had to find out about" a party that was happening that night 2,000 miles away. I miss Dave. But for him I would have never met people.

Otterpop Level 6 July 10, 2018

Most of my friends are extroverts and there is always something going on Happy hours after work week end parties so I couldn't tell you . I'll ask the next time I see one . I can't take too many people at one time and might only go to one or two parties a year which I feel obligated to go to .

Besalbub Level 8 July 10, 2018

This "stir crazy" feeling that extroverts get when deprived of social stimulation explains a lot of behaviour I've seen...or been the victim of. 🙂

Heraclitus Level 8 July 10, 2018

My workplace is busy and loud, and everybody is on top of everybody else most of the time. Even so, some people who won't go to lunch until a friend is ready to join them.

Nitsujito Level 3 July 10, 2018

Some people are afraid of how others judge them if they do activities like eating out or going to movies alone.

@zorialoki I do both frequently. I just make sure I get a booth against a wall or in a corner where I can keep an eye on the enemy 🙂

@TheoryNumber3 Exactly

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