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Ventured out, well ok online, and totally tromped by a couple of people in another group. Reminds me why I seldom give my opinion. I'm horrible at stating my point of view and people just seem to run right over me. Makes not want to participate in things. Don't like to look foolish. Some person called me a creationist!

Booklover 7 Aug 20
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Too many people want an echo chamber of their opinions. So if you state anything except the sentiment being echoed you get attacked. I have found it doesnt matter what the topic or whether it's a liberal or conservative idea, the closer to the end of the belief spectrum, the less tolerance for any discussion


You are online - you don't have to face them. Tell them what they are doing and that you are not happy about it. Otherwise, how will they learn to do better?

CeliaVL Level 7 Aug 21, 2018

You are not alone. I am not good at stating my point either.


It used to be nicer here. I don't know where the attitudinal people are coming from. There is a group here , offenders something like that, not nice people. At least as far as Introverts are concerned.

Pickled Rick i love your handle lol.


Pay no attention to the dick-heads.

LimeySteve Level 7 Aug 20, 2018

It's ok. You could have been called worse things. Opinions of others are merely opinions until the Attorney General has us all arrested & interned for being atheists. So it could be worse. Don't be so hard on yourself. Not everyone can be as articulate as our President. Tremendous.

Mooolah Level 8 Aug 20, 2018


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