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Have you ever felt like you are mostly an introvert and love your space and spending time alone but you can be very social and fun at the same time when you do show up to a social gathering etc., you just get more energized, generally speaking,when having your alone time?

1Rose2018 3 Aug 26
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I really only ever feel social when I'm with close family and friends. I'm so shy that I'm in my second year of college and haven't made any friends, not even acquaintances really... If someone talks to me then I respond back, that's about it. I think one of the strangest thing when you're an introvert is when a random person or classmate gives you a high five. That literally just happened to me yesterday. I'm kind of like 'I don't know you, but I don't want to seem rude so...high five I guess.'


I think I give that impression, but I'm very uncomfortable in groups and much quieter than I am one on one. I can't stand small talk and most gatherings are nothing but.


Very rarely.

Integral Level 4 Aug 26, 2018

I crave and flourish in game settings, my gaming group meets when we can and while our focus is a pathfinder campaign, we've had evenings playing other games as well. If I have something I can focus on, where I know the "rules" such as they may be, I do well. In my old living arrangement, one of my roommates was a very social guy and regularly had people over for any excuse he could find. Wednesdays were movie nights and in that case the "rules" were to sit and enjoy a movie, which didn't necessarily mean we did so silently. Calling back to the movie was great, and I had a lot of fun with that. In other party settings I'd often find myself focusing on a game and joining in there. Rock Band was regularly played, and we'd often end up playing Cards Against Humanity as well.

The trick for me really is being able to find something that I can join in on. Outside that I simply don't know what to do, and if I only have people to focus on it gets exhausting quickly. But being able to join in with others in an activity is fun and can be energizing.

Another friend was also pretty social, and I was regularly invited to I think it was his New Years party but I forget for sure now. He didn't provide the activities that my roommate did, and I couldn't stand the socializing. He couldn't understand why I had trouble. One evening he found that I'd escaped out onto the porch to enjoy the evening alone and he thought I might have been insulted or something. I just needed to breath.

I get that, I get bored or just not into gossip or other chats, activities are good to focus on to enjoy. I like talking about ideas/issues, but not what this person or that person did, i think I am allergic to gossip and drama.


Yes, but it depends on the context. There are many situations in which I enjoy being around other people.


All I need is one person who I can talk to, and from there maybe use that person to branch out. I can have a good time. Absent that, at my best I can disappear in a crowd. At my worst, in a crowd, I ask for a quick death.


Sometimes. I do enjoy my alone time but if I go anywhere it usually takes me a while to feel comfortable socializing. It usually helps having someone there that I know to keep me anxiety free until then.


It depends on the group, some groups I feel more open and others I sit and listen to all the BS.

zorialoki Level 8 Aug 26, 2018

I agree,sometimes I feel I am in my tribe, and the topics of discussion are real and I feel authentic.I feel out of place around useless gossip or some topics that have no relevance in my life. I am good at listening to include people but not when one person talks about for example their child or 6 hours around a couple single people like myself. I just think be respectful and ask about others' lives too, it's not all about the person.


I think I'm an introverted extrovert.

LimeySteve Level 7 Aug 26, 2018

not sure if I am also an introverted extrovert......or an extroverted introvert. 🙂

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