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Hello, fellow introverts. From one socially awkward person to another. Any bookworms here? Would love some good book suggestions or book related discussion!

foxycontin 5 Sep 29
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I'm currently re-reading The Tyranny of Words by Stuart Chase. It's a fascinating book on semantics and communication in the modern world.

I have it in pdf format for anyone who would like to read it.

Just inbox your email addy.


SCal Level 7 Dec 12, 2018

The Road by Cormac McCarthy is wonderfully suspenseful read. I enjoyed Waking Up by Sam Harris that I consider a great read for us secular folk.

SamFaith Level 3 Nov 9, 2018

Thanks 🙂 I've also read Pet Sematary, Carrie, and Graveyard Shift. Alas Babylon is a classic dystopian novel that same out the late 50's- early 60's when the Cold War was gettng hot!


I haven't been reading much in recent years, but a few books I enjoyed very much were Dracula, The Broken Brain, an Alanis Morissette biography, Tomorrow!, Alas Babylon, Day of the Triffids, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Shining, and Douglas Adam's books (!)

Good taste!


I liked The Gold Finch and Cuckoos Calling recently... I recommend Memoirs of a Geisha and A Farewell to Arms and anything Colleen McCullough


I read mostly fiction of either the horror or fantasy genre. Currently reading Angel of Storms, from the Millennium's rule series.
An interesting story with a fresh concept of magic.

MLinoge Level 7 Oct 4, 2018

I like non-fiction. About once every two years I read fiction

SKH78 Level 8 Oct 3, 2018

Same here. I find a well written memoir or biography much better than a novel.

@Buxx Yes, I like to make deposits into my bank of knowledge. So, I read memoirs and bios. I like to learn.


One of my recent finds was Puzzle by Frank Thilliez. A pretty wild psychological thriller. Kinda hard to find it in English (it's French), i guess cuz the author isn't too famous here.

Yulia999 Level 5 Oct 3, 2018

I'm a lifelong bookworm and would like to join a book club.

I just finished reading a book and been wanting to discuss it: "Finding Purpose in a Godless World: Why We Care When the Universe Doesn't" by Ralph Lewis, MD. It was published just three months ago and discusses beliefs from a neurological and evolutionary perspective.

Another book I need to read and talk about is "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". I'm a bit ashamed that I never read it.

Buxx Level 7 Oct 3, 2018

Have not heard of Ralph Lewis - will check him out.

The Douglas Adams books are hilarious!


Have you read Ready Player One yet? One of the best books of the year it came out, and not a bad movie.

But read the book first.

Ozman Level 7 Sep 30, 2018

I read more on line a cyber bookworm of sorts.

I'm getting into reading online a bit more, but I'll always be old school and prefer physical books.


I read more fiction than non-fiction, but I do.enjoy biographies. One of my favorite authors is an Irish writer named Maeve Binchy. I have been happy with every single one of her books that I have read.

citronella Level 7 Sep 29, 2018

What type of books does she write? I'm half won over already if she is Irish lol

@foxycontin She writes (wrote, actually; sadly, she passed away a few years ago) character-driven fiction. She picks a setting and then follows the characters in that setting across time and situations. She had a collection of short stories called the Lilac Bus. It is about a group of people who commute together every weekend from Dublin to a small Irish town. The life of each commuter is the focus or a separate story or chapter. It might be a good one to start with.


I personally prefer nonfiction books that look at trends in populations. One such book was Against the by Peter Bernstein. It talks about how we moved from attributing things like disease and chance to Gods to being able to find patterns and develop formulas to predict those patterns. It's an excellent look at the history of Statistics

That sounds very intriguing, I'll have to look it up on goodreads and add it to my tbr list. Thanks for the suggestion!

@foxycontin no problem


Might find somebody who likes books. Lol

Booklover Level 7 Sep 29, 2018

If you like Science Fiction / Fantasy....




Add Calibre ebook manager & a reader app like FBReader, and you now have a collection of a couple hundred books (for free).

camne Level 7 Sep 29, 2018

I've got a few different book apps on my phone and tablet and do enjoy them, but nothing is as good as holding a book in your hands 🙂


first, what are you into?

TheDoubter Level 9 Sep 29, 2018

I like most genres. Really into fantasy, biographies, history/historical fiction, and crime are probably my most read type of books.


Amélie Nothomb []

Beelzebant Level 5 Sep 29, 2018
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