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I do a lot of introverted things, and have a hard time making friends with new people. But I love to go to concerts, festivals, lectures and being crowds. It's more just social awkwardness. Introvert that likes extraversion, anyone else have that problem?

GregHavran 3 Nov 13
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I’m having more of a problem with being in crowds lately. I used to be in a lunch room with a lot of kids for 10 years and didn’t realize exactly how traumatizing it was until I didn’t have to do it anymore.

jpabst67 Level 4 Nov 18, 2018

You might possibly be an ambivert . []

Marmion Level 6 Nov 15, 2018

It is possible to be an extroverted introvert.

I think I am one, for the most part. I'll socialize, but I need my alone time too. I don't hate crowds because I feel like most people are too busy with whatever they're doing to notice me, but I needed A LOT of time to mentally prepare for my wedding since I was front and center.

Kynlei Level 8 Nov 14, 2018

Lol! I'm an extrovert that hates crowds!

Minta79 Level 7 Nov 14, 2018

I'm the opposite. I have no trouble making new friends - I think a lot of introverts are good li9steners and it encourages people to want to be friends. But I quite often regret it and have to back off later. I hate crowds and noise and a popular music fesitval is my idea of hell. Introverts have things in common but we can all be different, too.

CeliaVL Level 7 Nov 14, 2018

Well the closest I can come to that is... I like being around people as long as I don't have to interact with them. sometimes if I feel the need for human companionship I'll go over to Starbucks where there are people I can ignore with impunity


I know what you mean. I'm a big homebody but I do like to get out occasionally. I have no problem doing anything by myself like concerts, museums etc but I'm highly unlikely to approach anyone. However, if someone else initiates conversation that's just fine with me. Unless, they give me Ted Bundy vibes.

foxycontin Level 5 Nov 13, 2018

I rather be home in pajamas, playing games.

Beverly78 Level 4 Nov 13, 2018
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