How do you feel about Facebook?
Do you use it? Like it, love it, hate it?
Every once in awhile I create an account and start using it only to find that... "Oh yeah...that's right...I still hate Facebook and it's not for me!" Then I delete my account again. LOL.
I used to be a facebooker but quit because there were only two types of discussions: 1. Sacarine, insipid, endless repititions o some for of "isn't that cute!? or 2. Your rotten #@%&&)&&^%$#@!! etc don't know what you are talking about. Any attempt at respectful, thoughtful discussion aimed at solving problems or coming to agreement always went back to type #2.
I don't hate Facebook but.... Hey liook at that kitten.
I have a love/hate relationship with it. I love it because it helps me keep in touch with so many family and friends. But, hate it for all of the drama it causes. I just broke up with Facebook about three weeks ago and deactivated my account. I work at a police department and we currently have a local highly publicized incident going on in the department. I was getting myself so upset seeing all of the comments from the "Court of Facebook" by people not even knowing all of the facts. That, in addition to the politics and ignorant Trump supporters, I finally had enough. I'm not regretting the break up at all! I feel relieved now!
I alternate between loving and hating it, depending upon the last post I read.
i LOVE IT.. i have many contacts.. I post things that hopefully may do some good.. how much? I don't know but I hope to put out good words and information so that people can make decisions for themselves. sometimes it's just fun..and I play scrabble on it.. anyone up for scrabble?
Can I use PT and spell checker ?If so I will play with you we can talk about scrabble while
I think it depends what you use it for. Most of my facebook activity is engaging with friends and family, seeing what is going on in their lives. I make comments on a couple of pages that I follow, and occasionally on the page of someone I know, but that's about it. I try NOT to engage in political debates because there's no point in it, but occasionally I get so pissed off by someone's idiocy that I have to say something. Facebook makes me feel connected to people whose lives I would otherwise know nothing about. It's kind of like a visual version of a Christmas letter, but more frequent and with random timing. (I LIKE Christmas letter, by the way!)
I use it primarily to stay in touch with friends and family I would no other way, and for certain pages and groups. Also, nothing beats FaceTime, much more convenient and better than Skype. I also occasionally share some stuff, but for the rest I'm not on it that much.
Posted by Heather2367I feel the same way.
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIntrovert thoughts…
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIntrovert thoughts…
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIntrovert thoughts…
Posted by FrostyJim...we just don't get along well?
Posted by KilltheskyfairyWho gets dressed for that?
Posted by KilltheskyfairyTake this man away!
Posted by Killtheskyfairy100% participation!
Posted by CocoavineDo you want to hang out this weekend?
Posted by KilltheskyfairyYep, I’d rather be home…
Posted by AppleriverTexting is always best
Posted by AppleriverWhy go out when you can stay cozy in your pj’s
Posted by KilltheskyfairyNo wonder I eat so much!
Posted by CocoavineI know this feeling
Posted by FrostyJimWhen the doorbell rings - but you aren't expecting company... []
Posted by KilltheskyfairyAre you ready for it?