8 5

This is going to be a mini-rant. I am experiencing a sense of frustration; I have seen a significant number of posts in this group which all relate to the "other people are stupid, other people are boring, I don't want to waste my time with them" theme. It seems to me unlikely that there are THIS many stupid, or intentionally irritating, people out there. Perhaps it is that we are introverts are more internally than externally attuned, so it's hard to listen to someone else's commentary, particularly if it relates to subjects that we are not particularly interested in. So we may tune people out without having focused 100% on what they have been saying. Listening is hard work no matter WHO you are listening to, but shouldn't we give other people the same level of focus and attention that we desire? I have found that I can find some type of common ground with nearly anyone, even if we end up talking about something that I am not terribly interested in. It requires a little more effort to keep myself focused on and tracking the conversational flow, but it's not THAT difficult. I don't know if intellect correlates with introversion, but perhaps introverts are more intelligent than their extroverted peers. If that is the case, it may make communication a bit tougher, but it is certainly no reason to look down on others, and that's the sense I get sometimes when I read some of the posts here. Maybe I am reading too much into this, and if so, I apologize. It just seems that there is an inherent contradiction here, where people are saying they are lonely while simultaneously saying they don't want to be bothered with people. It's possible to be an introvert without assuming that other people are a waste of time.

citronella 7 Jan 8
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Agree. There's a difference between saying "other people are stupid" and "other people are overwhelming." Being an introvert is no excuse. There are both good and not-so-good people out there and even extroverts would agree with that.

bleurowz Level 8 Jan 11, 2019

I haven't really noticed people being critical or condescending but I'm sure it happens! Maybe the problem arises because as introverts we are not good at meaningless social chit-chat. which many people need, because they don't like the conversation to lapse. l agree that as introverts we tend to be good listeners and can usually find something of interest in a serious conversation. One reason my son's wife gave for leaving him was that he was hopeless at social chat and took no interest in the day's gossip when she got in from work. I think extroverts need other extroverts more than we need people at all, though it is nice to have a few good friends to have conversations of all sorts with!

CeliaVL Level 7 Jan 9, 2019

I have noticed a slant toward the negative as well and don't like it. I suspect most of it is intended as humor that just doesn't come across well for me. Generally the introverts I have come across in real life are more chill. I do find many people annoying, boring or otherwise taxing, but that has more to do with me and the way I interact with people. I try to avoid the vexing ones. I do like being around people, just in measured doses, and I would certainly love to find a partner with whom I could share more time with. I am somewhat intolerant of people but I don't really want to be alone all the time.


Thank you for your post cintronella. I've noticed things too - distressing to a degree. It's caused me to wonder whether I really do fit in here. One of the problems is advanced age - and I'm a bit guilty of that one. Yes - a generation gap. Another problem may be the "Me! Me! Me! Syndrome." Each participant has a right to be here - as long as he/she/it doesn't trample upon the toes of any others. So (tongue in cheek) - "Children, shall we try to get along." And if anyone notices that I'm not around forthwith - it will be with reason. Thanks folks.

mkeaman Level 7 Jan 9, 2019

Introverts are not very tolerant of small talk. That could be part of the problem.

MojoDave Level 9 Jan 8, 2019

Like any umbrella label applied to a group of people, there are variations within the group. Seems there is an entire spectrum of 'introversion' and people land at different marks on it. Some seem more socially anxious and it is can be mentally/physically difficult for them to engage enjoyably with a crowd. Some seem simply content to keep their own company rather than engage with people whose company they don't truly enjoy. Some simply, as someone else stated, have a low tolerance for the prevalence of negative behaviors typical of larger social groups, so likewise choose to opt out. And then there are the anti-social ones, who maybe, really just don't enjoy other people's company in most situations. However, I agree, at times, the negativity gets to me, too. I am a people loving introvert. But I need a proper balance between my engagement and my solitary decompression time. Also, I have an uber low tolerance of superficial crowds, so if that's the gig, unless my attendance is otherwise relevant to the occasion, I will opt for a good book and the company of my dogs every single time. Give me a crowd where I think I might find some interesting people capable of carrying on a decent conversation outside of small talk, and I am there, regardless of the perceived intellect level of said crowd.

Amzungu Level 8 Jan 8, 2019

Sorry, can't resist the knee jerk response... 49.9% of the general population is of below average intelligence.

But more seriously, there is a correlation between introversion and intelligence...


and introverts hesitate to speak up for themselves... leading to frustration in dealing with extroverts of lesser ability.

camne Level 7 Jan 8, 2019

I'm 100% joking when I post something about hating people. I don't truly. It's just difficult to be around certain people sometimes. I know jokes don't always translate well via text, so if anything I have ever posted was hurtful, I am sorry.

Kynlei Level 8 Jan 8, 2019
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