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Ohhhh small talk.

Part of what makes me wanna stay inside

Jellosfriend 6 May 11
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I have tried doing small talk, but I'm just no good at it. Long ago I realized that people don't really want to know what's up, or how it's going, so I have a tendency to try to avoid encountering strangers as much as possible.


Why do strangers feel that I have any interest in the minutiae of their lives?

Because to them, it may be important. You may not find it interesting, but obviously they do. And most people have been taught that you don't open a conversation with a question about the meaning of life, is there life after death, etc. People who talk about subjects you find uninteresting are trying to find common ground, at least usually they do. They are not trying to be dumb or pushy. They are starting a conversation from the safest point they can.

@citronella I'm talking about total strangers who attempt to engage me in banal conversations. If people could read body language they would see that I am edging away from them, yet they continue to blather on about things of no interest to me. I don't feel obliged to accommodate their need to share every detail of their lives. They can talk to someone else.


I don't DO shallow.

Star Is Born great song SHALLOW duet


When somebody asks me "what's up", I look down at my groin and say "nothing important". This usually gives me a lot of breathing room.

EricJones Level 8 May 11, 2019

Crude .


How bout dem Hawks ?

Banal jock talk DEINDIVIDUATION crowd cultish desires


Those are people I can connect to! 😊

MojoDave Level 9 May 11, 2019
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