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I don't know about any of you, but I cannot stand when people who consider themselves extroverts feel that they have to "adopt" introverts into their friend groups and show them how to be the way everyone is expected to be. Or the assumption that introverts can't make friends without extroverts. We need less forcing of introverts conforming to an extrovert world and more encouragement for introverts and their alternate ways of doing things and enjoying life. What are your thoughts on those kinds of statements made about introverts?

Listener59 5 Sep 1
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Extroverts get a rush from being around people, and they can't understand when others don't also want that. For all the time they spend around others, they are often blissfully unaware of other's points of view. From their point of view, they are just trying to give others what they want because they incorrectly assume that everyone else wants the same thing.

GregM Level 5 Sep 4, 2019

I do what I want with who I want

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 2, 2019

It's because of the misconception that introversion and shyness are synonymous. I'm not shy at all. I just choose not to engage.

@Listener59 I could have written what you just said. 100% agreement

Actually, for me, a large group is anything more than one person. If I'm talking to someone and another person walks up and joins the conversation I will remove myself . I don't have a very loud voice and people tend to talk over me, which drives me crazy


Be and let be as long as there is no harm done

Realist9 Level 6 Sep 1, 2019

Fuck those assholes....I love shy people just the way they are.....the so called extroverts are just aggressive bigots....psychobabble bullshitters....from your post it appears you are a good listener and remember well their impudence while you gave them honorable patience they don't deserve........I hope no Atheist here is pissing on your page....sexist pig boys you try their manipulative messages upon you should be blocked without warning....I do whenever the creeps show themselves on anybody's away at them if you want to blow off steam but you decide at your own pace when or if you respond


You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Efforts such as what you describe may be well intentioned, but are ultimately going to fail because they show an inherent lack of understanding on how introverts interact with their social surroundings.

Haemish1 Level 8 Sep 1, 2019

Too many people think there is something wrong with being an introvert, there isn’t and we do not have to try and conform to rules and expectations decided on by others.

Rudy1962 Level 9 Sep 1, 2019

I find those who talk the most , have the least to actually say , they just enjoy talking over the ones who know more .

Cast1es Level 9 Sep 1, 2019

Amen ! (Can an agnostic say that?)

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Posted by Heather2367I feel the same way.

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Posted by CocoavineI know this feeling

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