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I wonder what it's like to just let go and stop thinking. I can't remember the last time I was able to get out of my own head and just have a good time.

Anybody? Anybody? Buehler?

TheoryNumber3 8 Sep 12
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Sometimes meditation helps but you really have to concentrate.

JackPedigo Level 9 Sep 14, 2019

It's the letting go of your thoughts that is the hard part. Not stopping them, but letting them pass by and not obsessing about them It takes practice. I need more practice 🙂

@TheoryNumber3 Distraction can help and some meditations use chanting (which I hate). One thing I do is doing my hand exercises (after a bike accident I messed up some fingers). The best stretching mode is 30, 30, 30 (seconds stretch, seconds relax and another 30 second stretch). I count off the 30 seconds in my mind and focus on my hand. It does work.


None of the Buddhists I know claim NIRVANA is fun. Personally, I cherish my linear memory and reasoning upon all thoughts for utility, fun, music, imagery and sacred love. Dialectics can lead to enjoyment. Finding a balanced path towards knowing thy self ones mentors ones values and priorities might be encapsulated as a VISION. PERHAPS you read Maslow or Robin Morgan ? Self actualization and following rules for radicals is a maturity of urges, purpose and Feminist inheritance. I am 67 not yet enjoying aging or living alone in retirement.....I do find communicating with my 2 Service Cats Kiti6&Laila9 a head clearing focus. I know they were born Atheists like me and have no memory of hell threats nor heaven bribes. I observe them watching me and I observe them playing, nurturing each other and enjoying their food. They must be less thirsty licking in their water so patiently one wet tongue full a second or so for a minute compared to my instant sips or gulps. Clear your head imagining you are a cat purring or squinting eyes far out the sunlit window horizon....imagine the joy of a hummingbird lapping nectar from a flower never giving a thought to 4 wings navigating next anywhere....just be


Stop thinking?
Brain dead my normal operational status - it doesn’t seem to enhance my ability to have a good time😐

Haemish1 Level 8 Sep 12, 2019

Nope 😟

Booklover Level 7 Sep 12, 2019

I think that's why so many here are introverts . Sometimes , life is just too much . It's nice to stop at the library , pick up a pile of books , shut yourself in with your fur babies your favorite snack and drink , and while some safe time away .

Cast1es Level 9 Sep 12, 2019


Someone said something on this site that resonated with me. He said (and I'm paraphrasing) that he's constantly craving isolation while battling loneliness. I feel that loneliness... so I put myself in situations where there are people "around" me, but not "with" me... like a park, or a coffee shop. That seems to help.

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