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Any other INTJ's? []

VulganoBrother 4 Nov 18
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Over here in the corner!! I'm an INTJ
That article couldn't be any more accurate!


Can't get in the link. But I'm an INTJ.

MojoDave Level 9 Nov 18, 2019

Here's a good description. Fits me extremely well. Almost scary close!

MojoDave Level 9 Nov 18, 2019

Many , many decades ago , high school , I think , I took a test and earned the INTJ designator , but over a rather busy lifetime , pretty much forgot exactly what it meant . Thanks for the reminder . Still pretty much holds true . If you don't want to know the truth , don't ask . If you don't want a stupid answer , don't ask a stupid question , or introduce a stupid topic . I don't deal well with stupid . Blocked someone this afternoon for that . Extreme introvert . Am much better off without a lot of people or , make that most people . Much rather have a very few close friends . I enjoy learning things , but once I've learned how to do something , tend to get bored with it . Love reading , although my eyes aren't holding up very well . Have been getting high IQ marks , that I know of , since 5th grade . Tend to think more than just the present . Think into the future . If I make a habit of this now , this will be the long term result . Once I have something clear in my mind , it's not something I need to spend a lot of future time thinking about it .

Cast1es Level 9 Nov 18, 2019
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