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I work in the entertainment industry. I'm virtually "on stage" 5 days a week, yet outside of work I am shy, and I don't have many friends to speak of. I really have to push myself to go out for a drink with coworkers on occasion. I really don't know how I can be two totally different people all the time. I wish I was more outgoing outside of work.

Tammy724 4 Feb 5
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I've done a lot of community theatre. It used to surprise me how many people onstage are introverts.


I put on my work face and persona when I was at work. I smiled laughed and joked. As a civil servant I was always surprising people because I was so nice. Lol. But, that's ALL I could do. My ex could never understand that work was all I could do. It's either full time job or a "housewife" can't do both. He just thought I was a slacker.

Booklover Level 7 Feb 6, 2020

@Tammy724 you are truly a soldier! I forgot to say some of the exhaustion was because of clinical depression and anxiety. Until circumstances overwhelmed me, I was functioning. Anyway I always think everyone knows everything about me. Lol.

@Tammy724 me too! I have had two crises in my life that led into severe depression, this last one I've never recovered from. Dysthymia is the depression that can be treated not cured. A virtual hug that won't hurt you 🤗


And I was a sales rep so I totally get it. My sales coach said he had absolutely no explanation for my success. He said I was as low on the extrovert scale as any sales rep he'd ever seen. I attributed it to stubbornness. I don't like to lose. But yes, there is a certain degree of angst that went with the socializing. I hated it. But it was work, so I did it for the Benjamins. Personally, I avoid as much socialization as possible. It's too exhausting.


I love the idea of performing. I've never personally done it much, but I did enjoy it the few times that I did. I think it's completely possible to be an introvert and still like to be on a stage. A lot of celebrities are introverts.

I do feel the dilemma of not feeling like being sociable. I sometimes struggle when around people I know, let alone strangers. I figure that the people who matter won't mind and the people who mind don't matter. 🤷♀️ I am who I am.

Kynlei Level 8 Feb 6, 2020

Oh, I see you're from Allegan. We used to go camping near there when I was a kid. I was born in Grand Rapids. 🙂


i know the feeling. as a journalist i can meet people easily. but on the personal level i'm shy.


Perhaps you’re more of an ambivert?
Or, your day job drains you so much that you need the down time to regain your equilibrium?

Haemish1 Level 8 Feb 6, 2020
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