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Are introverts likely to be depressed?... hmmmm..I read this article....[]
I think everyone goes through segments of depression.. Nobody's life could possibly be happy 24/7/365.

chiara23k 7 Feb 12
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I think of all of the "extroverts" who commit suicide and everyone comments on how happy they seemed. Introverts probably don't try to hide it while extroverts "put on a brave face" That said while I am introverted I can also be extroverted and am very good at hiding how I feel.

Budgie Level 8 Feb 15, 2020

I don't know about that. My depression sometimes results in introversion, but it's definitely not caused by it. It's mostly caused by what other people choose/have chosen to do.

Kynlei Level 8 Feb 12, 2020

I think it would be more telling, if they were to have some data that showed the number of depressed introverts as a percentage of the depressed population as a whole.

I wonder if the people who label others as depressed are introverts or extroverts, and if that may subtly affect their diagnosis?

I have an auto immune thyroid disorder, where I was depressed and felt a great of social anxiety before it was diagnosed and treated. My daughter has the same issue (thanks dad), only hers was far more severe than what I experienced.

Haemish1 Level 8 Feb 12, 2020

Mine is now, unless a family/friend is ill or passed, because I CHOOSE, after a lifetime of total shit, to Be Happy, dammit!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Feb 12, 2020

yes! I know that.!!! for sure... wish I knew that then what i know now.

"Serenity Now!" ?


In general , the depression I've felt , was due more to the people in my life , than to the fact that I chose not to have more people in my life . I've been much happier , since I removed my mother-in-law and husband from my life . Noting the many on this site who are divorced , I'd suggest that isn't uncommon . Since , as a married woman , we spend most of our after work time at his mother's house , I discovered I didn't have friends once we separated . I had to learn how to go out and make friends , a very slow process for many of us .

Cast1es Level 9 Feb 12, 2020

ugh. yes. yes!! I had a relationship like that. Where his mother was dying. Fortunately for everyone she was a very wonderful person, but every weekend we would be there at the long term care. I was working 2 jobs and putting myself through college and make us a better life. So I had to finally say, on my only free time- one day off, I can't devote all of it to seeing her for my mental sanity. She lived 70 miles one way, and after driving all that way (yep, I could not take the car to do some girl shopping. I was promised mall time to drive all that way and got none. I had to stay there all day. I don't think I was selfish of saying that but I was sure was meant to feel that way. I could see half the day and no more but It was not an option. Needless to say after 2 years of that, I am happy I am not in that relationship. I had to make new friends again because I don't know where they all went. Relationships are meant for sharing...not one sided catering. I don't think I was depressed... just very resentful as I also did all the cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping on top of that.


I think for me I have a lot more social anxiety than depression. I agree with you about everyone going through bouts of depression. Unless you're Mary freakin Poppins lol

Appleriver Level 8 Feb 12, 2020

I like "mary freaking poppins".. You're funny.!

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