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IceBreakers Make Me Feel So FAKE Because They Are Intended To Help Me Start A Conversation or Relationship
With People I Would Otherwise Never Choose To Meet.
Anyone Else Been There…?

#Introverts #Icebreakers #Social #Anxiety #Groups #Networking

LaDizdeOdd 6 Mar 20
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Super easy...tell me about yourself...


I'm terrible at ad libbing.

davknight Level 8 Apr 2, 2020

OMG... Me too!!


Words that strike terror in my heart: "Let's go around the room and introduce ourselves"


One nice thing about icebreakers is that everyone there is open to the possibility of interaction. Whereas, in the general population, people won't make eye contact with an adult male.

BitFlipper Level 8 Mar 21, 2020

Been there enough times.

EricJones Level 8 Mar 21, 2020

Thank you for sharing! I get so suddenly overwhelmed.


Pay attention to the conversation before you join in and if they are saying things or are on a topic you do not want to discuss move on.

I like that idea. Thank YOU! I guess I often feel that I need to or must join in.

@LaDizdeOdd Do not do anything that makes you feel unsafe. I had for a long time, the thought that if I was afraid to do something, I would immediately do it. If I was a part of a group, and food was needed for some event, I would feel funny asking for help. I immediately went to a store, a wholesaler, and asked if there was a way they could help. They opened a wholesale account for me, as long as I paid when I got the food I would get a discount just like the big boys. Worked every time. I found that people want to help if help is asked for. Try making up conversations, or better yet try with friends and see what happens. DO not be afraid to try something new

@dalefvictor Wow! Great advice! I will not do anything that makes me feel unsafe. ...And, I will immediately put to task networthy requests.


I always feel that I have to watch every thing I say, That I have to say things I don't mean, & I always think to myself "What disease could I contract?" A cold most likely.

Mooolah Level 8 Mar 20, 2020

Yes, but depending on the specific situation, I sometimes don't mind ice breakers.


I despise icebreakers, even when I know the people.

NHjulie Level 8 Mar 20, 2020
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