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How many of my fellow introverts have social anxiety, or do you think they're one and the same? I read an article that said social anxiety is a treatable condition, but you're born an introvert and it's a permanent state. Also, I know a lot of people think introverts are just "shy", but I'm not in the least bit shy. I would say I'm more "wary" of people than shy of them. What do you think?

TheoryNumber3 8 Apr 22
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Appears to me there are many varieties/combinations/levels of introversion, social anxiety and shyness. In my case, for example, I am not shy, definitely an introvert, and have some social anxiety. From some of the other responses seen here, there are others who understand the differences. I still hear unknowing comments from others who say things like, "My son is not an introvert; he's not shy at all," as though introversion is a disease we don't want loved ones to have.

klwang Level 4 May 6, 2020

@Radu It's a matter of energy depletion. An introvert enjoys time alone and gets emotionally drained after spending a lot of time with others. A shy person doesn't necessarily want to be alone but is afraid to interact with others.


I agree with your every word and I am not shy. I might talk you to death but I am also an introvert. I prefer my own company most of the time when not working because I have to have time for myself. Some people live life like a sit-com movie but I am not one of them.

DenoPenno Level 9 Apr 29, 2020

There's several kinds of introversion and some introverts are not socially anxious at all.

plf515 Level 4 Apr 25, 2020

I tried to take the test, but after the first segment, the links weren't working. I'll try again another time. It's a very interesting article you wrote. My social anxiety precedes any social event where I know I'll be required to speak with a lot of people. Once I get there, I generally settle down somewhat and then wait for someone to depart so I'm not the first to leave. I'll be anxious to see what the test says when I can get it to work.

@TheoryNumber3 Sorry the links didn't work. I'm glad you liked the article.


Definitely not the same. I don't have social anxiety, I simply prefer the company of animals and trees to that of most people. I have zero need for social interaction with random people, but I do enjoy interaction with interesting, intelligent people...sadly I can count the number of those in this area on fingers and toes without taking my shoes off.

wolf041 Level 7 Apr 22, 2020

I’m not sure I think shy and introvert are the same. Very often we become introverted due to factors that happen in our life and can occur at any age. Shyness is a phase we go through at various times for most people, though foe some it is a lifelong struggle. I am an introvert because I got tired of dealing with people’s bullshit. I am not shy, if I am with a person I can feel comfortable with or even a group, I can be quite outgoing.

I don't consider myself shy either... but I do have a distaste for socializing in groups. I'm very quiet in that kind of setting. But one on one, I'm quite loquacious!

I never developed the skills to do cocktail parties; holding a plate, glass, napkin, fork, and talk at the same time! 🤣

@Barnie2years LOL! For me, just holding a glass and talking is stressful enough, so the only thing to do is drain the glass as quickly as possible.

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