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So I noticed a toad in a window well and am wondering if he/she will be ok there. I went to take a pic and now see three toads!. It is only wet there after it rains. Right now it is damp from my watering. I don't know much about toads and don't know how much moisture they need. So anyway, do I have to worry about them being there? Should I move them? I'm kinda thinking that they got in there on their own and know how to get out. Any suggestions?

itsmedammit 8 June 14
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Why don't you leave them in the well, let them die in peace.


take them out. amphibian's skin has to be damp at all times. they didn't climb but fell in there.

Well, they left of their own accord, so all is well.

@itsmedammit oh good I was wrong and I'm glad about that x


They will be fine. There are not many places a toad can't get out of. They undoubtedly feed on the mosquitoes that come in there at night. And there are microscopic bugs we can't begin to see.

freeofgod Level 8 June 15, 2020

Thanks. I figured they'd be ok. I will let them be. If they need moisture, they'll figure something out.


I would gently scoop them out with my food there either.

AnneWimsey Level 9 June 15, 2020

Just leave them alone, they can normally crawl out of a lot of places we don't imagine. I have a pond liner draped on the outside of my pond, they scale it with no problem.

glennlab Level 10 June 14, 2020

Thanks, Was thinking they'd b ok, but feel better with some consensus.


If it's cooler , moist , and they have bugs to eat , they'll be happy .

Cast1es Level 9 June 14, 2020
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