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Here Kitty Kitty ! (Or maybe not)


TheoryNumber3 8 Mar 6
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When I was 9 years old, I slowly tamed a wild Ngong Forest Cat that was scavenging near our house.
It took 6 months of patiently putting out food and sitting quietly, a little closer each week, before I could stroke it. Eventually it would sleep on my bed, but I could never pick it up.
It was a female, about 1.5 times larger than a domestic cat, and brooked no nonsense from dogs. When we moved house, "Big Puss" came with me, and a week later I watched her put an aggressive Alsation to flight, moggy still attached!
After that, neighbourhood dogs slunk out of sight whenever she wandered out into the garden.

Petter Level 9 Mar 7, 2023

@Petter Well I have no idea what a "moggy" is...and I also have no idea where you live... but I get the gist 🙂

@TheoryNumber3 "Moggy" is English (as opposed to American) slang for a cat.
I grew up in Kenya, which is on the East coast of Africa, right on the equator.
I now live in the very bottom, right hand side of Spain.


How could you not want to rescue such an adorable little creature?

Absolutely!!! Nothing cuter than a kitten. Except your first grandchild.

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