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Talons as formidable as a bear claws

AnonySchmoose 8 Feb 4
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there not theb biggest but they are the most powerful eagle due too there habitat and prey animals


Why is it chained? why isn't it free to live life as it chooses?

Good question. There was no explanation. Maybe it was an orphan that needed protection, and maybe they will release it when it will be mature enough to fend for itself. ( In its native Central & South American rainforest territory the harpy eagle is considered by IUCN to be near threatened and considered by CITES to be threatened with extinction. ) Until it can be released and fend for itself, those talons are very dangerous. They have enough psi to crush a human skull.


Fantastic Birds.

"The harpy eagle is the national bird of Panama and is depicted on the coat of arms of Panama.[74] The 15th harpy eagle released in Belize, named "Hope", was dubbed "Ambassador for Climate Change", in light of the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009.

The bird appeared on the reverse side of the Venezuelan 2,000 bolívares fuertes note.

The harpy eagle was the inspiration behind the design of Fawkes the Phoenix in the Harry Potter film series. Harpy eagles are depicted in Maya codices." []


Almost unbelievable

Lorajay Level 9 Feb 4, 2022

The feather crown makes it look bigger than it is, They are in the 10-30 pound range, with most being in the 15pound range in the wild. Still impressive.

I know! They look like imaginary creatures such as dragons are.


Even its chicks look like tough little buggers

Wow! The babies do look formidable! Ouch!
Thanks! Beautiful picture.

Wow, that little baby looks angry!


Those pictures are terrifying. That may be the creepiest, scariest bird I've ever seen, but I'm also sad about the massive shackles they have on him.

dkp93 Level 8 Feb 4, 2022

I agree. Harpies are huge enough that I would definitely keep away from them. Beautiful creature though. They are endemic to Central America and the Amazon rainforest in several countries. "Globally, the harpy eagle is considered near threatened by IUCN and threatened with extinction by CITES ...Populations have dwindled considerably. It is threatened primarily by habitat loss due to the expansion of logging, cattle ranching, agriculture, and prospecting. Secondarily, it is threatened by being hunted as an actual threat to livestock and/or a supposed one to human life, due to its great size." []

@AnonySchmoose Humans doing what we do best - destroying things. 😟

Tragically so.


I'm not planning to get into a fight with it .

Cast1es Level 9 Feb 4, 2022

They can be a threat to humans if we approach their nest. They could carry a child. "Their rear talons are 3 to 4 inches long – the same length as a grizzly bear's claws. They have a grip strength of appproximately 530 psi – more than enough to crush the human skull & squash the brain like a grape." []


I've seen wedge tailed eagles that looked as big as that

puff Level 8 Feb 4, 2022

Wedge-tailed Eagles can have a somewhat wider wingspan, but the maximum reported weight is surpassed by two other eagles (the Harpy and Steller's Sea eagles) and the wings are shorter than large eagles of open country (such as the White-tailed Eagle, Steller's Sea Eagle, Martial Eagle, or Wedge-tailed Eagle), but are quite broad. Philippine Eagles are considered the largest of the eagles in the world in terms of length and wing surface.

@AnonySchmoose In the Flinder's Ranges in Sth Australia. Had a Datsun 1000 (very low) and driving along, a pair were pigging out on kangaroo roadkill. I slowed right down and stopped next to them and one was the same height as me, looking at each other with level eyes. It was a big bird. Some photo's from google for you.

The Wedge-tailed Eagle is really beautiful.

@AnonySchmoose they are, and mate for life


Saw one at the zoo in Belize, impressive.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 4, 2022

As a child, I had recurring nightmares about being carried off by a bird like that. Dramatic and scary.

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