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I love butterflies. When I'm not raising them, gardening for them and giving away Milkweed, I go on field trips with my local butterfly club
Here are some recent shots from Cherokee Marsh I took today

  1. Two Baltimore Checkerspots with really bad breath
  2. Prairie Rose
  3. Ctenuka moth
  4. Copper
  5. Eastern Comma
Leafhead 8 June 23
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I just found out today that a group of butterflies are called a Kaleidoscope of butterflies. How cool is that?

Blissfull Level 5 July 14, 2018

That's cool and appropriate 🙂


Thanks for sharing, very cool!

Blissfull Level 5 June 24, 2018

they are just beautiful. thanks for sharing!

You're very welcome 😉


Those are marvelous pictures. Butterflies are so lovely and colourful, aren't they?

pixiedust Level 8 June 23, 2018

One of the prettiest sights are indeed Lepidopterans, butterflies and moths.
Here are some of my latest releases
1 thru 3 and 5 are Monarchs; 4 is a Polyphemus moth

@Leafhead Do you use a zoom lens for these pictures? My favourites when I was young were the Monarch Butterfly and the Luna Moth. The Monarch migration is astounding.

The Luna is absolutely on my bucket list of leps to see and/or raise or even snap on this property!
Seeing firsthand the Monarch migration is also on my bucket list.
And believe it or not, I use a Samsung phone to shoot with. I have great cropping capability, so I don't have to zoom, but I can blow my pic up a bit and crop them afterward.
I don't always get the best resolution, but it all depends on my models and how close I get.

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