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This is my best friend and pal for the last 12 years now. He was a b'day present from my MOM. I love him. He has arthritis in the ends of one toes on his paw. He limps and the vet gave me medicine for him. Meet Bozley. I love him. Boz for short.

AntaresRose 8 Apr 30
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Yes a full blooded yorkie. He is a good. guy and very smart, lol. When I was able to get him from his Mommy, he weighed 2 pounds and was so rotten. He was all puppy lol. A groomer he had for years blinded him and never told me. I got him to the car and he went crazy. I just went right to my vet. He stained his eye and said he has shear marks. I could see them. He is blind in one eye. I had to have my vet surgically remove. He is blind where you see his hair longer. I take him to Petco now for years. They know what happened and about his one paw. He limps and holds it up. The vet says a bone in his hip pops out and it is very painful. I have joint liquid and liquid aspirin. He is more of a lay around guy now. A senior.


Hey Boz! Are your feet a wee bit sore currently? X
You look like a Yorkshire Terrier, am I right?
Hugs to your owner X

inkdabink Level 4 May 3, 2018

Boz is spoiled rotten. I did not believe I could do that. He can be very demanding and when he wants something, He has this grunting noise he makes right at my ear day or night.


Howdy Boz, you look very happy.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Apr 30, 2018
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