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Well, let me be the 1st to make a post since there are none!
1st, thanks for being thoughtful!
2nd, even if dating connections aren't made, I feel that it would be great just to be able to meet up, and get to know one another for hangouts!
I don't know about you guys, but for me being able to have social connections would be GREAT! "Alabama State Hangout"

Donna 6 Mar 11
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Ok everyone what happened to us? Did we just fizzle out?

Donna Level 6 May 31, 2018

Sounds good


@paul1967 I live in Tuscaloosa and would be open to meeting/bowling there.


That sounds like a great idea. I like the bowling idea.

LadyLiLi Level 3 Mar 13, 2018

@snifflz @Donna @TheInfiniteChris @Junkyardliv @DumbsDayProphet @blastofhotair @Mistymorn42 @RyanDerrick @LadyLiLi @Brandizzle @TPettway @Caffee38 @hrichardson8

I'm trying to email all the people that live in Alabama who are on this site. I would like to get something going as soon as possible. I was thinking about something easy like dinner at an inexpensive restaurant or bowling, something along those lines. I'm also very open to any ideas you guys have. I know we have the issue of being spread out over a relativly large state but I'm sure we can figure something out.

paul1967 Level 8 Mar 12, 2018

What if we determined a centralized bowling alley w food and pool tables and met there?

@Junkyardliv Absolutely! That sounds like a great idea. Let's see if we can get a few people to commit to it. I'm in for sure.

@paul1967 , I'm actually just over the line in Columbus, ms; I could make it to Tuscaloosa in a little over an hour. I know they used to have a nice bowling alley there, probably still does bc of the college. How would that work for others?

@Junkyardliv I lived near Columbus for 6 years 1979-85.

@Junkyardliv As far as I'm concerned you are welcome to be apart of this. I look forward to meeting with you.


I'm sure meetups and hangouts will be much easier to organize once the member count increases, but I think the group is a pretty good idea and has a lot of potential!

As do I.

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Posted by PirateSquirrelBack in the Bible Belt. I'm a liberal progressive atheist. I fit right in!!!

Posted by RegJoe222Avondale atheist. I’m down with hanging out. 420, and Red Mountain Cotton Gin friendly.

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