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Avondale atheist. I’m down with hanging out. 420, and Red Mountain Cotton Gin friendly.

RegJoe222 4 May 7
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Wow! You've BEEN PLACES! Always wanted to travel. Sad I'll never see Machu Pichu or Gobekli Tepe. Damn!

Meleia Level 3 Dec 19, 2018

We need to make something happen. I work 11 hours a day five days a week and being new to Birmingham makes it hard to meet people. I would love to set something up.

paul1967 Level 8 May 7, 2018

Holler at me when you’re free. I’ll hang out anytime.

Recent Visitors 18


Posted by PirateSquirrelBack in the Bible Belt. I'm a liberal progressive atheist. I fit right in!!!

Posted by RegJoe222Avondale atheist. I’m down with hanging out. 420, and Red Mountain Cotton Gin friendly.

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