Alabama State Hangout

This group allows more social interactions between people living nearby.

This group allows more social interactions between people living nearby.

Posts Tagged "Police" By paul1967 (1) Posts by anyone

Alabama State Hangout
Sep 27, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Delos_J
Apologies if this sounds like a rant. We live in a state where cities and towns are having a difficult time financing public safety (police and fire departments); our public schools are among the worst in the country. Voters are refusing to approve ...


Posted by PirateSquirrelBack in the Bible Belt. I'm a liberal progressive atheist. I fit right in!!!

Posted by RegJoe222Avondale atheist. I’m down with hanging out. 420, and Red Mountain Cotton Gin friendly.

  • Top tags#Bible #politics #religion #hello #church #Atheist #religious #Gin #Mississippi #sing #community #progressive #BibleBelt #Newbie #lonely #grief #cats #wealth #pope #cannabis #heathen #book #desperate #dream #fear #rain #sleep #parents #discovery #guns #liberal #schools #Catholic #Christian #taxes #valentinesday #Police #agnostic #atheism #hell #soul #gay #philosophy #conservative #sex #cultural #funeral #mother #prayer #Israel ...

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