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IMHO neither side can prove beyond a reasonable doubt whether there is or is not a god or gods, so why waste the time and energy arguing about it. Cut and dry! Do something useful for humanity while you are here!

rogeralyn 7 Apr 22
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The problem with the human condition is that so many live "without". In psychology, Maslow's hierarchy of needs covers the major reasons why people feel desolate. I think coupling that with Plato's Allegory of the Cave and there's reason for understand and transcending that. Once someone comes to a comfortable sense of self, then and only then can we shed our socially procured cognitive dissonance.


Do something good for the whole earth and stop having so many babies. Humans have overpopulated and are sucking it dry right now.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Apr 22, 2018

@rogeralyn There was an article in the local news congratulating a family on their tenth baby. These are the coal miners that live in run down houses and there are no jobs for their kids. I say Cork it.
There are 7400 people living in this old town but they have eighteen big churches and ten smaller ones.


I like that a lot.
Discussions which can not be resolved are only useful to exercise the gray matter, and then only when done lightheartedly.

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Posted by OldGoat43TALIBANGELIST:

Posted by OldGoat43Political Correctness for the next group in power:

Posted by Science-guySuch a place

Posted by ScoobsHere's some good lovin' from Pope Wilson, KSC. In what certainties do you believe?

Posted by ScoobsHere's some good lovin' from Pope Wilson, KSC. In what certainties do you believe?

Posted by ScoobsHere's some good lovin' from Pope Wilson, KSC. In what certainties do you believe?

Posted by ScoobsHere's some good lovin' from Pope Wilson, KSC. In what certainties do you believe?

Posted by ScoobsHere's some good lovin' from Pope Wilson, KSC. In what certainties do you believe?

Posted by ScoobsHere's some good lovin' from Pope Wilson, KSC. In what certainties do you believe?

Posted by coralisthree...and this.

Posted by coralisthree...and this

Posted by Fibonacci1618Omnism: The belief that not one religion is the only truth but that truths are found in them all. Thoughts anyone ?

Posted by Fibonacci1618Saw this, loved it, thought I'd share it..... In truth, I don't like the minority vs Euro Saxon depiction, but the larger point I thought was worth sharing.

Posted by ScoobsWilliam James, father of American psychology, tells of meeting an old lady who told him the Earth rested on the back of a huge turtle.

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