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So, agnostic to me means doubter, and to doubt something is to question it's validity. I am of the opinion that evangelicals and atheists are in the same bucket. They both try to recruit you to their group, but offer no tangible evidence for their belief system! ?

Theskeptic 7 Apr 23
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'Doubting' is just the beginning of the process which must be continued by asking countless questions and getting satisfactory answers. The phase 'Agnostic, comes about PERHAPS when you can see something good in both sides and you cannot prove the most important things on both sides. It is quite different from 'fence sitting' and a lot of philosophical questions reach the Agnostic phase awaiting proofs .

Mcflewster Level 8 July 19, 2018

Another definition might come from the great Carl Sagan; "Incredible claims require incredible evidence".

AstroLou Level 5 Apr 23, 2018

My issues with the Atheist that I have come across is just that. Or they project a demeanor of self servering Darwainian mindset of the strong eat the weak.I prefer the term Humanist. Which reflects compassion for each other because doing good is good, for no other reason than just to do good. If my interpretation of that is wrong, I'd love clarification, or options

I think the Darwinian mindset is better expressed as " survival of the most adaptable' which seems to me NOT to fit both atheists and evangelicals.

@Mcflewster You're absolutely right. Most only know the adapted version. Thanks for the unfiltered one. But that's my point in adapting my interpretation of being an atheist to being a humanitarian

@Fibonacci1618 well interpreted!

@Fibonacci1618 How about going one step further to 'Humanist'?

@Mcflewster if you read my original reply, that's exactly where I've landed sir. To me humanitarian is a verb and humanist is it's noun. I may be mistaken semantically but that's how I define them.


English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley coined the word "agnostic" in 1869, and said "It simply means that a man shall not say he knows or believes that which he has no scientific grounds for professing to know or believe."

AstroLou Level 5 Apr 23, 2018
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