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I think we,the people who are agnostic/atheist don't hate people who follow any religion.Because we know that everyone is equal.But on the other hand, people who follow one religion hate other religion and some followers also want to slaughter the people who don't believe in God.Because they think that their religion is superior than the others and who don't follow any religion is a subject to being slaughtered.

Foothold 4 Nov 25
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Amazing the evil that is justified when one thinks God is on one's side.

Heraclitus Level 8 Nov 25, 2018

Think you should include (most).. . agnostic/atheist don't hate people who follow any religion." as it is reasonable to assume some non-theists do hate theists.

Personally, I feel pity for theists and hate what their (less then optionally functioning minds (via faulty programming)) have imposed on society (promote faith (belief without evidence) over facts supported by evidence))

thank are right.


There ard 3000 gods, pick one or don't

Mets Level 6 Nov 25, 2018

Thank you Mets.You are right!


I would not entirely agree, I don't hate people because they are a member of one delude cult or another, however I do hate people who will put religion before family, religion before compassion, religion before the well being of others and use religion as an excuse for hateful and bigoted behaviour.
I especially despise those who in the face of all evidence defend their religion and their clergy when they are guilty of monsters crimes against the weak, the vulnerable and the especially against children.

Thank you for your valuable opinion.there are so many people who put religion before family, religion before compassion, religion before the well being of others and use religion as an excuse for hateful and bigoted behaviour.
I think they are devoid of common sense and also from the light of actual education.

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Posted by jeshueyWell doh!

Posted by KhaCRMy original profile got suspended and Idk why. Created another to keep sharing!

Posted by Wildgreens😂🤣😂🤣 Imaginary Jesus

Posted by WildgreensWhen you carry a Bible..🤣😂🤣 The devil gets a headache.. What if the devil is a SHE? I’m guessing everyone is entitled to have a wild imagination.🤣😂 Even if is nonsense. 🤣🤣

Posted by WildgreensChristianity

Posted by OldMetalHeadYeah. Tell me again how Neil is not an atheist

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Posted by WildgreensThe very concept..

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Posted by TimeOutForMeNot afraid of imaginary friends/gods.

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